"Hey" Vanya voice heard as they all turned now and saw her walk in with a man.

"Hey Vanya" Lavender cleared her throat.

"Hey Lav, what's going on?" Vanya asked. Lavender looked over at her Allison.

"It's a family matter" she said referring to the man that clearly wasn't family.

"A family matter? So of course you couldn't bother to include me" Vanya said with a scoff.

"No it's not like that we were-" Luther began.

"No please don't let me interrupt the family matter with the girl that is anything but family" Vanya said coldly toward Lavender getting a hurt look in response .

"Hey" Klaus said to Vanya as he saw Lavenders hurt face.

"Ouch" Lavender simple said before walking off.

"Lav" Diego called out but she was already gone feeling hurt but knowing Vanya was right. She wasn't family, she wasn't anything.

"Hey you" Allison spoke as she walked into Lavender room to see her looking out the window.

"Hey, Allie." Lavender said back.

"Vanya was angry, she didn't mean that" Allison said as she sat next to her.

"No she's right, I shouldn't even be here I should have went with Five" Lavender said as she stood up.

"Hey no, no you're wrong. You should be here... i'm glad you are" Allison said as Lavenders face softened as she looked up at the woman.

"It's funny... Vanya and I we were never close when we where younger and now that i'm trying she doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. But you, I mean we bonded the second you showed up here looking confused out of your mind and walking like a baby deer" Allison said making Lavender laugh.

"You're our family, even if the others don't think so I do. Don't let her bother you" Allison said as Lavender then launched herself into Allison arms and started to cry.

"Everything is so messed up" she cried as Allison nodded.

"I know" she said as her voice cracked as well.


Lavender had calmed down by now as she was walking down the hallway before hearing two familiar voices in the room she passed by.

"He listened to me talk all about Lavender, god I never shut up about her" she heard Klaus voice.

"Right, the whole Lavender thing" Diego said .

"Yeah the whole Lavender thing" Klaus smiled widely .

"What's your deal with her? Don't get me wrong man... Lavender cute but she dosent seem like your type. A little nerdy if you ask me" Diego said to Klaus making Lavender chuckle slightly.

"Oh she's not, she's not. Just something about her, I can't put my finger on it but the way she'll look at me could just get me higher then any drug in this world" Klaus said as Lavender blushed with a smile spread across her face.

"Yeah well i'd watch her, keep her safe. You don't want her getting hurt if you care that much" Diego told him.

"Oh yes, the lady cop" Klaus said.

"Mom too. I let them both down. So here i am, Alone with you" Diego sighed as he patted Klaus shoulder then walked toward the door.

"Ah shitttt" Klaus sighed.

"What?" Diego asked him.

"I have to pee" He said as Diego sighed. He then opened the door making Lavender yelp as it hit her sending her falling backwards.

"Lavender?" Diego asked as he looked down at her.

"Jesus Diego, why do you open doors like that? So dramatic" Lavender sighed as he helped her up.

"Hi love, hello" Klaus said making Lavender look over and offer him a smile.

"I still have too pee" Klaus said bouncing his foot. Lavender and Diego looked at each other before sighing and walking toward Klaus.

"He's tied if you wanna go talk to him" Diego said as he excited the room as Klaus continued to yell from the other side.

"Why's he so upset?" she asked trying to drowned out the yelling.

"Changed him mind, don't you let him out either. He needs to sober up or he's only gonna be upset with himself" Diego told her.

"I won't. Thanks" Lavender said as Diego grinned and patted her head slightly before walking off.

"Diego let me out of here!" Klaus yelled loudly. Lavender then entered the room and shook her head as him.

"Lavy, let me out of here please" Klaus begged in a much calmer voice.

"No Klaus. You wanna talk to Dave remember" Lavender said as she pulled up a chair infront of him.

"Pleaseeeee" he dragged on toward her.

"Nope" Lavender simple said as he groaned.

"Why not?" he asked her in a much louder voice.

"Stop yelling" she told him with a point of her finger. He then pouted and frowned her way.

"Look at you, getting a backbone" he teased with a smile making Lavender laugh slightly.

"Probably been around you to long" She joked as he smiled .

"Probably so yeah" Klaus smiled as she did too.

"You look worried" he said to her making Lavender sigh.

"The whole end of the world stuff. I tried to push it behind me and tell myself Five would figure it all out but as of right now i'm not feeling to confident in that. There's so much I wanna do and it's not gonna happen in three days" Lavender sighed as Klaus gave her a sad look.

"I know, I know. He'll figure it out, hopefully. And you can do anything you want too, i'll even help you" Klaus said to her making her smile brightly toward him .

"You don't have to stay here I know I probably look horrible" he told her with a chuckle.

"I'm not going anywhere, you shouldn't have to do this alone" Lavender said softly as she pushed some hair out of his face, he leaned her face over and pressed a kiss onto her wrist.

to much slow burn ugh

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