Chapter 1- Rise of a new dawn

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Jongin let his emotions coordinate his body movements as he danced in front of the mirror, correcting every mistake he made. However, he was interrupted by an idiot pressing his face to the windows, making stupid expressions.

"Baekhyun, what do you want?" Jongin uttered, signalling the feeble-minded teenager to enter the dance studio.

Baekhyun entered the room with his classic light switch dance then stopped due to the confused gaze Jongin made, "I call this masterpiece the light switch dance. I and Luhan constructed it, while he was over at mine. Eventually, he got exhausted and irritated at me. Then threw a bottle of mayo at me."

"Wonderful," Jongin sarcastically exclaimed, afterwards whispering to himself, "Where's a bottle of mayo, when you need it?"

"Why are you practicing right before school starts?

What were you dancing to?

I can barely do any subject let alone anything to do with performing arts ones, want to see me rap?"

Failing at rapping, Baekhyun paused as he laughed at himself, "I can't do music to save my life and here you are achieving awards and trophies for just moving."

Packing his items away and getting ready for the school day, Jongin's gaze became unsettled.

"I don't win anything, I'm not that skilled at dancing. I assume you have confused me with my twin brother, Hoseok, he's the one who is successful... sorry, haven't asked how you are. Why did you disturb me with your weird dance?"

"Hey, frankly I dance perfectly normal."

"You call that dancing?"

"Now, I know why Hoseok is the better twin," Baekhyun muttered.

"What was that?"

Waving his arms in the air with the too much energy, Baekhyun responded, "NOTHING...I was going to ask you to join me and Luhan at lunch."

"Baekkie, you've pestered me about this for a whole year. My response will always stay the same, no."

Baekhyun reacted to Jongin's usual response, "UGHHH!!!!"

"You even asked me just yesterday and I still refused. What made you think today would be even better?"

"No idea, got bored waiting for Luhan, so i came to the genius conclusion of irritating you."

"Gee thanks...Where is Luhan?" Jongin, still annoyed by Baekhyun's presence, became curious.

"Oh, Luhan. All I know is that he will be arriving a bit late because he is arriving with his neighbour today. Stupid me, forgot and came early instead. Oh, wait I spot him over there. Talk to you later Jongin," Baekhyun explained. Being a cuddly person, he attacked Jongin into a hug before leaving to accompany Luhan. Jongin smiled to himself, as to some extent he did enjoy the fools company.

Luhan was instantly attached into a back hug from his best friend, to which Luhan held tightly as well.

"GOOD MORNING!" Baekhyun yelled, "The worst thing happened to me. Guess?"

"Oh no, what?" Luhan, with genuine concern asked.

"My eyeliner got ruined."

In unison, the two idiots cried.

"What a shame," Luhan stated.

Namjoon witnessing the whole scene unfold didn't know how to react, "Should I just leave?"

Luhan automatically felt apologetic failing to remember that Namjoon was there, "Oh sorry, we were just having a midlife crisis."

"Yeah, I could tell." Turning his attention to the other teenager, "I assume this must be Baekhyun. I've heard a lot about you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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