Chapter 13

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Despite the fact it's the last thing I want to do, Louis and I walk through the harsh, frozen wind towards his large range rover parked neatly on his drive. Louis' hand withdraws from mine as we both split ways towards each side of the car; throwing ourselves into the large vehicle and into the warm confines of it.

We drive for what feels like ages but only turns out to be half hour. A sweet peck is left to my lips before a cute "See you soon babe, I love you" is reciprocated. My feet drop from the car onto the hard ground and Louis waits in the car as I jog into my building. I turn when I reach the door and wave at him. He compiles before speeding off back home and I find myself instantly missing him, but it only makes me more excited for the day we finally get to live together.

After a nice warm shower, I throw on some jeans and a white shirt with white converse and a black sweat-jacket before applying some foundation and mascara. I leave my hair in its natural curly state due to my unwilling attitude towards sitting for another half hour straightening it. I grab my small black bag and car keys and lock the front door behind me. I force myself to jog down two cases of stairs and before I know it, I'm in my small car with an ignited engine.

The drive doesn't feel long due to All Time Low blasting through the speakers, making me enjoy the annoying journey a fraction more.

"Oh Hey" Calum says, surprise written all over his face when I finally knock on the front door to their small bungalow. His eyes are all swollen, telling me he only recently got out of bed. His hair is in disarray, and only underwear to cover his bottom half.

"Hey, I thought i'd come say hi, are you busy?" I ask but my answers soon answered when Calum steps back, allowing more room for me to enter the small house.

"No we're not, come in" I reciprocate a smile and instantly make myself at home, taking off my shoes and making my way into the kitchen. I walk in to see Michael and Luke sat at the breakfast bar eating cereal.

"Hey boys, how are you all?" they all look so shattered. I do feel quite bad that I've just imposed like this but I knew Calum wouldn't mind, although I didn't think about the other residents of this household. 

"Morning" Luke grumbles, clearly trying his hardest to wake up and not look like death. Mikey does the same, trying to look happy and polite when in reality it's more than clear they want to return back to bed.

I sit down next to Luke and watch Calum walk into the room. He appears to have quickly shoved on some blue shorts. His hair looks tidier, giving me the impression he must've hastily combed his fingers through it on his way past the large mirror in the hall.

I can't help but notice how toned Calum is. I slyly glimpse, firstly at his prominent collar bones, studying his stained skin. Then my eye line falls to his toned pecks, making it clear working out is definitely one of his hobbies. I also notice his flat tanned stomach and honestly, i'm impressed.

"Like what you see?" I look up at his stunning eyes in a hurry when I realize I've been caught. One of his eyebrows has raised, a smirk across his chubby cheeks and a chuckle begins to pore from him.

"Um" I quickly try to think of a way to save myself but instantly realize I have no hope. "Wow Calum, well done" I laugh and fan my face. My actions cause Calum to bend over in laughter but I can also tell he's slightly embarrassed as his squashy cheeks begin to turn pink.

Despite Calum and I's private joke, I look beside me and notice Luke shooting daggers at both of us. I can feel confusion take over me as I watch the blonde-haired boy instantly shoot his glare in a different direction. "Luke are you okay?" I ask, eager to know what his harsh attitude is regarding.

"Yep, i'm fine" he rudely responds and looks at Michael. I can tell Micheal's confused at his random change of character too as his eyebrows scrunch together and he studies Luke for some sort of explanation. 

My head turns sharply back to Calum, he looks at me but only shrugs off the situation and moves on to a different subject as if nothing happened. I can't help but feel like Calum knows exactly what Luke's problem is but he won't tell me, and no matter how hard I have to blackmail him I will find out what's going on.

"So are you here all day?" he asks. But before I can reply, Luke stands from his seat. He walks over to the sink to place bowl in there and exits the room without another word. The room turns silent. No-one says anything and the only sound is the noise coming from the quiet TV in the corner of the room.

"Is he okay?" I finally talk.

"Yeah he's probably okay" Calum shrugs, "So, what are we doing today?"

As I wait for Calum to get ready, I sit with Michael and watch re-runs of Spongebob Square Pants. It's not long until Ash comes in from food shopping and I help him unpack, while Mikey continues to attach his eyes to the current cartoon playing.

Ash and I speak for a bit and I find myself laughing every so often at his random moans towards Michael, telling him to get off his 'lazy arse' and help do something. Although, Mike just ignores it and doesn't scrape his attention from the TV until he hears Ash say he bought Vegemite; then he's up in a hurry and making another breakfast course.

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