Chapter 23

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"Hey" Louis speaks as I climb into his big black Range Rover.

"Hey" I reply. Once inside the vehicle, I lean over and place a delicate kiss onto his pink lips before returning back to the leather chair.

After, a couple days ago, talking me into having today off, Louis and I arranged to see each other to talk about the house and how we will go about things.

Louis recons it will be about a month before we definitely know whether we have the house or not but he's pretty sure we will get it due to the fact he's willing to pay a large sum for it. My stomach fills with butterfly's at the thought of moving but nothing is more exciting to me right now. Just the pure fact that I will be living with the man I love, spending day in day out with him is all I could dream of. And now it's coming true.

"Okay so baby, today I thought we could just talk about prices and that, just talk about the money we'll spend on it and stuff like that. Then next week I think you should start looking at how you're going to decorate it and that. Sound cool?" He says quickly.

"Yeah ok sounds good, what day should we go" i ask innocently.

"Here's the thing" he try's to focus on the road as he talks, but still tries to catch a glance at me every couple seconds, just to let me know he's interested in our conversation. "Next week we have tour rehearsals and interviews all week, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you with any of it"

"Oh" My face drops as well as my mood and he can sense it. Delicately, his hand falls to my right leg and his thumb gently strokes my thigh. I wanted us to do the whole house together.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't pick very good timing for all of this but I know that once it's done we can both enjoy it together" he tries to lighten the mood.

To be completely honest, I couldn't be more upset about this. As a child, when imagining moving into my first house with my Prince Charming, all I could think about was the day's out furniture shopping and carpet shopping, just enjoying the whole experience together! And to think that I'll have to do all of that on my own isn't nice. I understand that at least he will get to enjoy the house with me once it's done but it still upsets me that he hasn't put his heart into the decorating. It's like he's bought it and I'm decorating, when I know we should be doing it all together. Despite how I feel about this, I don't want to make Lou feel bad because I know it's not his fault. So instead, I try my hardest to make it seem like it's not a big deal.

"Yeah, no that's fine, if you have work then you have work. I understand" I lie. His stunning eyes that continuously take my breath away, search mine for reassurance. "Honestly, I'll just take a friend or something"

"Yeah good idea, I'll book you an appointment with a interior designer if you want, she'll help you with it all" he tries to help.

"No that's fine, I know exactly how I want it" I smile, thinking of how beautiful our home will be when it's done.

"Okay baby, you're amazing you know that?" He smiles at me as we pull up to a red light.

"I know"

* * *

What's better to do on a Saturday than walking round a furniture store with a hyper idiot fiddling with his beanie every two seconds? A lot actually.

"Will you cheer up? You're shopping for your future home this should be exciting" Calum snaps me from my depressing thoughts.

"I know, I know. I just feel like Lou should be with me" I say for the 20th time today.

"Well sorry kid but you're stuck with me, sorry if I'm not good enough for you" he scoffs but I detect the humour in his twangy voice.

"That's not what I'm saying you idiot, it's just I feel like he would want to experience this"

"Fine. I'll just go then shall I" he walks away.

"Calum" my stern voice orders but he raises a hand up, his palm in my face as he contines his childish strop. I'm not in the mood for his games right now, I know he's only trying to cheer me up but my depressing attitude had taken over and I don't want to snap out of it.

"I know when I'm not needed. Good day."

"Stop being a baby" I laugh, rolling my eyes.

I know I'm lucky to have Calum, even though I haven't know him for that long, I feel like we've been friends forever and I do find myself wanting to be in his company more often than not. And he does really distract me from my sadness when Louis' not around. I love that about him. Him and Louis are the only guys in my life that I couldn't live without.

"Okay that's it, get right back here young man" I click my fingers. His head shoots over his left shoulder, staring me straight in the face, giving me the impression my stern attitude is no match to his sassy one. His hand flies to his hip and I shit myself, knowing shits about to go down.

I can't hold in my laughter when his finger rises in the air and shakes itself back and fourth. "Don't you take that tone with me young lady"

"Come on, I'm serious" I try to make a straight face but fail miserably.

"Tell me I'm C-Dizzle-king-of-the-world-better-than-beyonce and you're a peasant and maybe I'll consider staying" he says as I fight a laugh screaming to break out.


"Then, gurl bye" I watch him dramatically walk away, shaking his hips and impressive back-side as he goes.

"Calum come on" he continues walking, "Calum" still walks, "C-Dizzle?" he ignores once more. "Right that's it"

I run the short distance behind him, catapulting my body into the air to land on his back, throwing my arms and legs around his neck and torso. "Surrender!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Never!" Calum shouts in reply. And that's when the war begins.

I pull on his shoulders while he softly punches my legs in efforts to get me off his back. He both are desperately failing and hopelessly out of breath. "Right that's it!" Calum screams. Before I know it, I'm flipped over his shoulders and onto the nearest bed in the shop, once my back hits the soft mattress, he climbs on-top of me and pins me down.

"Surrender!" he tries again.

"Never!" I reply.

His large hand grabs my left wrist, taking it into his mercy. Both hands raise into the air before falling and causing my own palm to hit my left cheek multiple times.

"Surrenderrrrr!" He drags out.

I know I should give in to the fact he's pinned me down and also the fact im close to peeing myself on a store bed, but I'm set on winning this war.

"Rott in hell!" I reply between the constant blows to my face.

We are interrupted by a small woman clearing her throat to the left of us. Our heads shoot towards her. She wears a navy uniform head to toe along with a white name tag read 'Mary' on her chest. "Miss Tomlinson?"

Calum's eyes fall bad down to me with a smirk plastered across his chiseled cheek-bones. "To be continued"

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