Chapter 10

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Finally Friday! I wake from a glorious sleep to an empty bed, finding myself missing Louis even though I saw him the night before.

The general routine of a week day takes place as I shower, brush my teeth, get ready and then meet Carl for morning coffee. We walk through the early, cold streets of London until we eventually reach our destination and are forced to return to our daily desks and carry on with the rest of Thursdays work load.

Half way through scanning an account, I look down at my noisy, gold phone grabbing my attention as a text comes through. It's from Ash.

From Ashton:

Hey Annie, we are having a few people over the house tonight for a little celebration thing of the boys starting their new tour! And since we can't join them for the first 4 weeks, we are throwing them a little surprise get-together! Let me know if you're coming or not! And don't tell Louis ;) x

I inwardly moan at myself and the text as I read his kind words. As anyone could tell, i'm not really a party person. I'm much more the kind of person to put The Notebook and enjoy Chinese in bed with a large wine. The idea of getting absolutely paralytic until the point of no self control, throwing yourself at anyone who moves, honestly it's not my cup of tea. And I secretly judge the people that do. I'm completely content with being alone while everyone else enjoys themselves. But, this was something I needed to attend, for Louis and for the 5SOS lot. 

So I reply with a quick message telling him i'll be attending and what should I bring, receiving another text from him just saying marsh-mellows. At first i'm confused, but it all makes sense when i eventually remember who I was texting. 

Much to my bosses refusal, I skip my next account work and begin shopping online for something to wear. I don't want to dress up properly because from my guess it's going to go on all night, so I need to be comfy.

I eventually decide on some navy skinny jeans with rips at the knees, which I already have at home, and black, long-sleeved, cross-over blouse with black stiletto shoes.

I decide that i'm excited to wear the outfit but not to actually attend the party. Ash said they are getting the boys there at about 8 so to get there for half 7ish. 

After work, I rush home and begin getting ready. First, I quickly take a shower, and make sure to shave. I take time to curl my hair and leave it clipped up while I apply a tad more makeup then I would for a casual occasion. And then make my way over to closet to pick the clothes out I eventually decided on.

Once dressed and ready, I brush my teeth and grab a small silver clutch, to match my silver jewelry, with my essentials thrown inside. I check the time; it's half 7. Shit.

I'm not going to be as late as I originally expected but if its half 7 and I've got to get across to the other side of London, god knows what time I'm going to arrive.

I jump into my small, second hand white fiat 500 and stop off at a convenience store to grab some marsh-mellows, a card and a bottle of champagne. Eventually, I write the card in the car before hitting the road and stepping on it in a hurry to get there before the 1D boys.

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When I get there, Micheal's already tipsy and it makes me laugh as he's the first one to greet me. He throws his arm round my neck and says "Annie you're here!" I role my eyes at his childish behaviour before replying with a quick "It's good to see you too Michael". I don't know him very well yet but from the stories Calum has told me, he sounds like a great guy that i'm sure i'll get along with.

Next, I find Ash and thank him for the invite before passing him the marsh-mellows. I can't help but notice how cute his laugh is when he throws his head back and claps his hands together. "You're great! I didn't actually think you would get them so thank you" he takes the bag from me a leaves a peck on my cheek before I split off on the hunt to find more people I know. 

I recognize a few people I know through Louis but don't have the slightest clue what any of their names are, meaning i'm forced to just politely say hello and ask simple questions that have no relation to any of their personal information.

Eventually, I get to the other side of the room to find Cal and Luke sitting on a sofa on their phones. It does make me laugh how un-sociable they can be. 

"Well hello" I say to the boys as I approach them. 

They stand up in sync and greet me with simple "Annie!"'s and big smiles. Luke pulls me in for an awkward hug and I comply, hugging him gently before we both pull away and I turn to Calum. 

Damn, he looks good. He's wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a black blazer and black skinny jeans. And even though it does make me feel slightly under-dressed, he pulls it off better than anyone else I know. I can't help but also notice a few streaks of blonde in his hair and it takes me a few seconds to decide if I like it or not. And eventually, I decide it's so fucking hot that I find it hard to breathe.

We hug for a little longer than any other hug and I can tell he's really excited to see me. I'm so happy we have become so close recently. "Hey babe, you missed me?" he winks, causing me to scoff at his cocky behaviour. 

"If I missed you it would mean I would have to like you" I joke back to him, making the both of us laugh. "You're hair looks so hot by the way" I throw at him.

"You think?" he says, playing with it untill he rearanges it to his standards. "Wasn't really sure at first"

"Trust me it looks nice" 

"Thanks, do you fancy me even more now?" he winks.

"Of course." As Calum and I continue to converse, I can't help but notice Luke looking on from the side-lines with a flat expression. It takes everything in me not to confront him on his moody attitude he's always had towards me, but I stay strong and excuse myself from the boys and continue to tour the room of loud people. 

Around half 8, the boys eventually arrive and i'm so happy for Louis when I see the priceless look on his face. He looks shocked but also kind of heart-warmed, the look of happiness on his face is something so beautiful to me.

"Congratulations babe" I say as he eventually gets through the whole crowd and walks towards me with a gigantic smile smothered across his features like a excited puppy.

"Thank you babe" he pecks me lips and pulls my head into his chest as he holds me for a few seconds, before kissing to top of my head and pulling away. "You're looking good" he whispers and I giggle when I feel a small pinch on my bum. 

"Louuu" I moan but secretly love it as I look up into his eyes, completely buzzed with the happiness he's feeling right now. Ash comes over to talk to Lou and his hand leaves my side as he brings Ash in for a man hug. I look around the room and notice someone on the opposite side of the room. It's Luke. I smile but all it does is make him become flustered, like he had been caught doing something wrong. 

Well that was weird. I forget about Luke instantly, and focus on Louis smile getting bigger and bigger as he thanks Ash for the surprise.

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