Chapter 7

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Tuesday feels like a complete repeat of Monday, except the highlight lunch with Calum. But i'm equally as happy to eventually get home at the end of the day.

Much to my disapproval, it's raining today which put a complete downer on everything and also means I'm soaked by the time I get back to the flat. I throw my keys and phone onto the kitchen counter and hastily run into the bedroom. I rip the wet clothes from my body, throwing them into the bath tub and change into pink patterned pj's and blue fluffy socks. 

My pink and freezing fingers tie my hair up before I walk out of the bedroom and towards the noisy phone, signifying I had missed 3 calls from Louis so already.

"Hey babe" I finally answer when it rings for the fourth time.

"Hi where are you?" he speaks.

"At home why?" I ask in confusion as I wait for his completely un-rushed reply.

"I'm gonna come get you, someone told me about this cool restaurant today and I really wanna go." I could tell he was already in the car by the sound of the echo across the line. He must have been on loud speaker.

"Oh babe I just got into my pj's, I really don't feel like going out" I moan but try not to feel too debbie-downer.

"Oh" he stays silent for a few seconds and I can tell he's thinking of what to say. Sometimes he'll be bossy and tell me to go get ready, sometimes he crashes here if he's on his way but if he hasn't even left, he won't bother. "How about takeaway Nandos and you can stay back at mine tonight? I'll take you to work tomorrow?" 

"Yeah okay, text me when you're outside" I agree.

"Okay, love you" 

"Love you too" 

<> <> <>

When he finally arrives, he texts that he's outside and I run down the stairs and jump into his car before anyone see's me. I decided not to get changed from my pj's as I was so comfy and was pretty sure there were no paps waiting outside that would snap an embarrassing photo. I'm not really bothered about being caught like this but i don't want to embarrass Louis or make him be ashamed of me; I love him too much for that. There was one time when we were on our way back from a weekend away he surprised me with, where we ran into a giant group of fans who happened to know our where-abouts. I had sun glasses on since I looked an absolute mess due to the fact we were up all the night, talking - which meant i could hide most of my shocking face. Although, there was no hiding the leggings and Louis giant jumper obtaining most of my body. I looked terrible and of course, Louis didn't, seeing as it's impossible for him to look bad; he always looks effortlessly beautiful and i'm forever jealous of it.

I wait in the car while Lou runs in and get the Nandos. He doesn't bother asking what I want as he already knows what I get. He jumps down from the large Jeep currently parked across the road from the popular chicken restaurant and runs inside. I sit in the car for roughly 20 minutes, thinking too much about irrelevant things to pass the time. Due to the fact I'm starving and all alone, it sure is dragging waiting for the love of my life to return back to the vehicle with dinner in his hands.

My heavy eyes watch on as Louis eventually appears from the double doors, looking both ways and crossing the busy London, traffic-filled roads. It turns out he took longer than meant because he ran into a group of fans eating in there and got a few pictures before escaping back to the car, but honestly I don't mind; I'm use to it. Just before he starts the engine back home to begin our lazy evening, I notice a young girl taking pictures through the window and i'm pretty positive i'll see them online later.

Louis told me from the day we started dating that it was not a good idea for me to have social networking sites or if I do I should have them on private so only family and friends could see my activity. But in all honesty, I don't mind the 1D fans. Yes some of them are obnoxious and rude but all i do is scroll past the irrelevant people, at the end of the day, they only hate because they have nothing better to do with themselves. Sometimes, I even reply to some of their fans and follow them back but i'm always careful and most of the time have to think twice before sending anything.

Once we finally get back to Louis, I kick my shoes off the second I step through the door and race into the living area. I struggle to keep my heavy eyes open but find myself drifting off in-front of the quiet TV as I wait for Louis to bring in the served food and drinks. We decide to put on the film Due Date and I sit with my feet in his lap while we eat the delicious chicken dinner. Despite the fact we are watching one of my favorite films, before I know it, i'm falling asleep again and eventually slip into a deep slumber; feeling Louis crawl closer and adorably fall asleep with his head resting on my stomach.

"Babe" I wake to the soft sound of my boyfriends voice. "Let's go to bed" he stands and waits for me as I rub the sleep from my eyes and slowly rise to my feet. 

"Ok" I follow him towards the bedroom but not before checking my phone one last time and switching it on silent. My screen displays that I have a text from Calum and quickly, I open his message.

From Calum:

Hey, wanna meet for lunch again tomorrow? :)

To Calum:

Yeah sure, I still owe you lunch anyway ;)

After I reply, I lazily drag my feet into Louis room and don't waste anytime crawling into it. I slip under the covers and snuggle into Louis warm chest, inhaling his unique sent, making my heart flutter even after all this time.

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