Chapter Ten: Picking Up the Pieces

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Surprisingly enough, it wasn't the fact they left the village without permission, nor the fact that they decided to track down an unknown number of shinobi without back up that got them. Instead it was something rather simple.

"You... threw a tree... at people...?" Izuna mumbled, staring at her, blinking in confusion. "Like... a whole tree? Or are we talking about a stick here, because that makes far more sense."

"I can confirm she threw an entire tree, roots and all," Minato interjected, sitting back in his office chair, a slight tint to his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head. "It nearly interfered with my fight... and this was after I specifically told her to leave the fighting to me."

Sakura kept her facial expression fixed on the unrepentant setting. She wasn't about to apologise for rescuing her sisters. Shivers ran down her back, no doubt thanks to the red eyes fixed on her back, scanning her curiously from head to toe.

"Chakra enhanced strength..." Tobirama mumbled, biting at his thumb. "Well... she'll be taking the academy tests in just over a month, so we can keep an eye on her from there on in. I'm sure they'll be no more mishaps until then."

"Let's hope so," Minato said.

She shrugged. "No promises."

Shisui sighed. "Saku-chan, that was the part where you were supposed to nod your head, and say sure thing, like a good little shinobi," he muttered, patting her on the head yet again as he stood directly behind her, leaning on her head as per usual. "He's our Hokage, and Tobirama-sama is in charge of the Academy, they know what they're doing..."

Sakura scowled. "What am I supposed to do if it happens again? Sit back and wait while idiots faffle around and some git runs off with my sisters?" Her teeth ground together, hands curling into fists at the thought. Adults hadn't been that much help in the war. They'd been the ones who'd died first, rushing forwards, blinded by anger and hatred. Idiots, the lot of them. "They're my sisters. My responsibility. Mine. Not yours! They're... the only thing I have..." Tears pricked at her eyes, hands going to her hood, pulling it further over her face as her tears started to fall. They were the only thing she had left in the world... she'd lost everything else. She couldn't lose them. She wouldn't lose them. "You can't take that away from me!"

Shisui reached for her, patting hand at the ready, but someone else beat him to it.

"Shhh." A hand rubbed at her back, the other pulling her into a warm hug as arms swept her off her feet. "It's OK, Sakura-chan."

She stiffened, eyes wide as her face found itself buried in the high collar of his navy shirt. Her tears soaked through the soft fabric, hands fisting in the silky material as she hid herself away from the prying eyes of those around her. She hadn't meant to start crying. She hated crying. It always took her back to the times when she'd been horrifically weak... how she'd pleaded with Sasuke... how he'd been alive and well... but he was gone, and her sisters were unconscious. It was all too much for her undersized body. She wanted to go back... wanted to take it all back... go back to blissful naivety... but then there'd be nobody to protect her sisters. Nobody to protect her. She couldn't rely on others. Other people had only let her down... it was why they were all dead – thanks to their weakness, and her own incompetence.

She wouldn't be incompetent again.

"Shhh," Izuna whispered, hand warm against her back as her sniffles died down. She was done crying. Done being weak. "There, there... Nobody's going to take your sisters away from you."

Sakura rubbed her sleeve over her face, mopping up the last of the tears.

"The information leak that led to the break-in has already been dealt with," Minato said, his voice softer than it had been only moments ago. "Your sisters won't be in danger again like they were today."

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