Chapter Six: Home is Where the Heart is

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"What do you want to do today, sweetie?" The soft melodic voice stirred Sakura out of her thoughts, her body flinching slightly as a hand mused its way into her hair. It was slightly uncomfortable at first. No one had petted her hair in ages. She'd barely seen her parents after the war had started, and even before she'd shied away from their affections. That was something she'd regret until the end of days, so rather than moving away from Misa's touch, she fell into it. She pressed her head against her mother's chest, feeling the heartbeat under her skin. Alive. She was alive. "You've been such a good girl as of late... always looking out for your sisters." A wry smile pulled at her lips. "Don't think I haven't seen you, missy. You always go along with whatever they want... so I think it's time you chose for once."

"Yeah! Nee-chan should choose!" Akira sat up, black eyes sparkling as she stared at her like she deserved to be idolised.

Sakura blinked, heart fluttering in her chest as she stared into those green eyes. Like the ones she used to have. "Um..." She stumbled over her words, flushing under her mother's undivided attention. She didn't really know what she wanted. All that mattered was protecting her siblings and ensuring their happiness. She didn't need to be happy too. They all just needed to be alive. She was OK that way. That was her little slice of happiness, wasn't it? "I—I, uh, don't know."

"We can go to the park... or maybe we can stay indoors... it's all up to you," she said, fingers running through her spiky pink locks.

"Then, can we go to the park?" she asked, having seen Mio's eyes light up at the mention of the park. As much as she loathed to admit it, Mio liked Sasuke. They'd become fast friends over the first three times they'd met, with Sasuke turning tomato red each time Mio held his hand to drag him somewhere. Sakura wasn't jealous of him. Not in the slightest.

"Sure thing, sweetie," Misa said, shifting Sakura off her lap as she stood, gracefully as ever. "Let's go put those shoes and coats on. It rained last night, and I don't want you all getting too dirty, OK?"

"Of course," Sakura said, nodding as she hurried over to the doorway, fully aware of the thunder of feet trailing after her.

"We're going to the park again!" Seiren leapt into the air, practically vibrating with excitement as Sakura pulled out all their assigned coats and shoes from the little box they kept their outwear in. They didn't have the luxury of that much space.

Sora, her twin, rolled her eyes, snatching her own sandals out of Sakura's grasp. "Bet you I can swing higher this time," she muttered, earning a cry of protest from Seiren.

A familiar face popped around the doorframe, a wide smile on Tomoe's face as she stared around at the group of them amassed by the doorway. "Are we taking the kiddies out again?"

"You're free?" Misa glanced up, smiling softly at her friend.

"Yep... So I thought I'd come and entertain your kids for a bit, but it seems you're taking them out. You don't mind one more tagging along, do you?" she asked, and Sakura could feel her eyes on each and every one of them as she finished putting on her own footwear before she began helping her younger sisters.

Misa chuckled. Sakura liked that sound. She wanted to hear it more often. "You're always welcome, Tomoe."

A toothy grin appeared on her face, mischief twinkling in her eyes as she went and scooped up Tora under one arm with Ran in place under the other one. Sakura glanced over, smiling slightly at the high tinkering laughter she could hear. How she'd missed that sound... She sucked at getting her sisters to laugh. Turning back to the last of the other set of triplets that wasn't tucked under the arm of the lady they called aunt, she finished helping Yumi with her coat and sandals, standing back so she could survey her work. All of her sisters were bundled up neatly. They wouldn't be getting sick. Not if Sakura had any say in the matter.

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