Chapter Three: Violent Pink-Haired Girls and Parks

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The park they visited was different to the one she'd been to as a child in her last life. Still, Sakura had barely caught sight of Naruto and Sasuke in her last life when she was the same age as she was right then. So it came as a surprise when she spotted a head of blonde spikes, running around the park, disturbing all the red autumn leaves as they went. Sakura blinked, a soft smile pulling at her lips. It seemed she'd found her old teammates, she mused, having spied a familiar head of black hair which matched Seiren's own style. But how was she supposed to introduce herself? Should she even try?

Sasuke already seemed to have a few fangirls, and Sakura didn't really want him to mistake her for another. Then again, it wasn't like she had to go up to him right away... his brother and his cousin, if Sakura remembered correctly, were standing nearby. Sasuke had told her about them – Itachi and Shisui – and if they were anything like what her old friend had said, then she probably wanted to try and make a good impression.

Not that it would matter much.

Itachi was due to slaughter his clan in a few years.

Her clan now too, the snide part of her mind reminded. Her clan would be dead in a matter of years.

Well, unless Sakura magically managed to change things, but she doubted it'd be possible. She was a child of the red light district. She didn't really have much political sway, nor any way of actually influencing the clan or others who came into contact with them. She didn't have influential civilian parents this time around either – only Misa, not that she minded.

She already loved her new mother. Mainly for putting up with the bunch of hellions that were her children. Anyone else might've thrown them in an orphanage and separated them. Sakura's teeth clenched at the thought. They couldn't be separated. Ever. They were her siblings. Hers. Silently, Sakura reminded herself to keep her overprotective tendencies to a minimum. They were already crazy enough as it was and thinking about them only made it that much worse. Probably the Uchiha blood talking right there. Her shoulders slumped.

"Saku-chan," Tomoe spoke, flicking one of her new pink spikes, cooing at her as she scowled. She wasn't overly fond of her new spikes, especially not when people flicked them at every chance they got. "What do you want to do, sweetheart?"

Sakura blinked, noting the fact that all of her siblings aside the youngest two had vanished. Her head swished from side to side, eyes frantically searching for heads of pink hair, relief sinking through her as she spotted them dotted through the park.

Sora and Seiren, the troublesome twins, were embroiled in a fight between themselves near the climbing frame – a fight she'd probably have to break up in a few minutes. A head of short pink spikes, and a pink duck butt hairstyle rolling in and out of view as they tussled on the ground. Sakura sighed. Those two had anything but a peaceful relationship, always trying to get ahead of the other, fighting over who got to sit next to her at the dining table. They were so adorable. She looked to the sky, eyeing the odd cloud in the sky. It was nice weather for autumn time, though it'd probably be nicer if her cute sisters weren't trying to throttle each other.

Casting her eyes over to the sandpit, she eyed the other two of her triplet group. Mio and Akira were there in the sand, and Sakura knew it'd no doubt be everywhere by the time they had to leave the park. In the words of the Naras, Akira was troublesome. Mio was the sensible one, as she'd already learnt. Shockingly that little tidbit had only taken her a few minutes to work out.

The two-year-old triplets were nearby, running about in what Sakura guessed to be a game of tag, and after sternly reminding Tomoe to keep a close eye on the rest of her siblings, she went to pry the twins apart.

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