Ch 36 - Planning

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An easy start. Let the good times roll.

I thought about this overnight and I wanted to get more ahead of this. This story needs to be done and everyone here deserves a good ending.



The flow from dinner and your parents went extraordinary well. Both of you walked into your room and changed out of the nice attire into some comfy pajamas. Well actually pajamas for you were a plain white tee and some shorts while Roseweisse had something else in mind. It was this very long white dress shirt that went all the way down to her thighs with some comfortable yet sexy underwear. You grab a bottle of water and look behind and your eyes almost bug out of your head.

"Those are pajamas?" You asked.

"I sleep in it. I guess so." She replied not sure where this is going.

"Isn't that a little, hot?"

"It's comfortable in here." She insisted not getting the memo.

"Meaning unbearably sexy."

"Thanks Darling. That mean cuddling?" She asked getting comfortable.

Insert sexual saxophone here. A big wow. Spillage intensity. "Unbearable at the moment but I'll adjust." You blushed.

"Is this wrong?" She asked sadly.

"No. Just hard getting used to your breasts near me like that. You know, free."

"It's not every night." She got comfortable and padded the area next to her. "After all, I thought we would get used to living with each other. Knock down the wall and make an apartment of the sort right?"

"Hmmmm." The idea kind of excited you. A more private bedroom, own living room/game room, an office, and small kitchen for comfort food not needing to be transported up the bloody stairs. "I like the sound of it. A good idea and Rias could help us."

"Tomorrow we should get started. We're determined now." She snuggled closer.

"She is good at these sorts too. Have a a feeling she can help us more than we think. Though I truly think that this is all a wonderful gift. Being granted an amazing girlfriend I hope to marry. Just have to keep up with my part. Finding a ring and how the hell I can get it is the big obstacle. We shall see how things go in the morning. Until then I think we are pretty much tired and just want to sleep together right?"

"Please." She kissed your neck.

Stay calm. She's your lover. You already have had quite the experience. No stress. You can do this. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm here for you Darling."


It was morning time as Roseweisse looked over at you. Cuddled up tight as you were still in bed and not going anywhere. A look at the time and it was just after nine. A pecked kiss and then she rolled out of bed into something she could walk outside the room with.

Ah. My sweats. Okay. She slide them on. And I need a bra and something. She looked through the drawers she had put some of her clothes in. It was your room but she came prepared. After a minute she hung up her nightshirt if that's what its referring to... and put on a white bra with one of your plain black t-shirts over. Be back soon my love.

Going down to the kitchen is alone is Akeno. She's in a kimono drinking tea by herself. Usually Rias would be in there or so. It's a wonder why there is so much change in the air at the moment. Roseweisse dat across from her.

"Tea?" Offered Akeno.

"Please." She bowed. Akeno poured her. "Thank you."

"So. How was your night? You met his parents I heard."

"Yeah. Very laid back. I didn't know what to expect. But they treat me as I would want anyone to treat me. We have a nice dinner and afterwards we just talked with them and when we got home we went straight to bed. He's still sleeping which doesn't seem to ever happen."

"I've noticed. I think he deserves a little rest. Think it caught up?" Akeno just like Rias knew how things went around here. That was truly something else. A lady has her ways and her sources.

"It was bound to happen at sometime. He deserves an occasional day. In fact, I feel like he overdoes it."

"If a man will make your tea and toast then maybe he's a keeper." Akeno winked.

"Well we have talked about making things quick. Though I don't care if his ring is from the ¥100 store. I love him."

"So if I have everything right he is the man of your dreams and he is head over heels for you. That part seems all so correct. Now I won't go into further details of ex-partners, insecurities, or how much you know each other because knowing you it seems over and done with and he sympathizes. Rather fast yes. And it is really just the other small touches on putting this together?"

Akeno had something in mind. Makes one want to know if she got any sleep at all or did she just out everything together and it went boom. Perhaps early or no sleep at all for her. Roseweisse was nervous about what would be next of Akeno's devious visions. "Do you have an idea you would like to share?" She asked.

"Well," She put her cup down. "Don't you think he needs to learn a thing or two before he gets married?" She smirked.

"Well we both do."

"Right. So we have something set up for the both of you. Rias will be with you and I'll take care of him. Rias should be in her office by now and I'll check on your poo-ba later."

"Poo-ba..." She didn't like the sound of it.

"Honey? Man? Hunk? I'll stop there. You get the idea."

"Oh I don't know. Tests? This an exam?"

Akeno giggled. "It's a pass or fail. Not much in between. That's about it."

"And for me?"

"I think your test is going to be harder personally. But nothing hard. You aren't climbing a mountain. But it will open your eyes. You see Roseweisse, knowledge is key. Knowing what you're doing is important. And trust, is the glue to it all. Women can live without men. Men need a good woman to be the glue that puts him together properly. Otherwise he will rot away, decay, or be in pieces."

She nodded nervously. "Okay... Take good care of him."

"Hehe. Oh I will."


What's she going to do?

What's Rias going to do?

Love you all.


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