Ch 29 - Slashline Part 1

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When you read the title what comes to mind? For me? First I think baseball. Then I think of combat which results in a bloodbath. You'll see.



The next morning Roseweisse woke up and cuddled into your chest. It was a day off school. This is basically paradise for both of you. Wrapped around you as you support her head and neck. It was peaceful starting the day off with light cuddling. Both of you really still asleep. Not ready to get up. But usually when it's perfect something disrupts it.

A knock came to the door. "(FN) you decent?" Asked Akeno.


"I respect your privacy by knocking. But as your roommate coming in." She opened the door halfway and saw Roseweisse in your chest trying not to hear the noise. "My how cute."

"Thank you." You nod.

Roseweisse was starting to talk in her sleep. "Be gentle." She mumbled.


Akeno got closer and put a note on the nightstand. "Hey. Message for Rias. Take your time." She left quietly as you watched Roseweisse continue to slumber. You reach over with your spare hand and grab it.

< Apologize that this is early. Have a feeling you will be up first. Roseweisse has been insanely tired. She's working too hard.

Anyways I'll get right to it. I've been told a Fallen Angel with a holy sword knock off has been around town. Pretty much have orders to take him out. I'm sending you, Roseweisse, and Kiba for the job. Relax, have someone breakfast, and when you two are ready meet me in my office. Kiba is on standby.

-Rias >

You sighed. Well that's something else. Holy sword knock off. Maybe a Sacred Gear as a sword? I don't know. What I do know is this shit is too much. You put the note back on the nightstand. Hope it's quick and painless on my end when I slash that bitch.

"Darling!" Complained Roseweisse.

"Huh?" Oh boy.

She sat on top of you and held you by your wrists. "Slashing who? Who are you referring to with that language?"

"We got a note. Nightstand. It's a pact."


"Fallen one with a sword. Knock off holy sword as she put it. She told us to relax, do our morning routine, and meet her in the office. Kiba's coming with us. Which I can't seem to mind. Hope it's done quick and painless. If we're lucky have this wrapped up by lunch."

"During the day?"

"It's a weekend. We got a swordsman Master and a Valkyrie. What else we need?"

"And what are you Darling?"

"A trainee really. I have no title outside of your boyfriend."

"Hmph. Be positive." She huffed.

"I'm just not touting my own horn here. I'm still learning how to work this thing I have. I still feel a little awkward. I don't have training and strength that you or anyone else have. All I can do is try."

She hugged you into her chest. "And you do more then try. You execute. Try you say and you just make it happen. Taking my heart. Getting stronger every day. Getting over part of the past. And even making my hormones go crazy."

"Roshmhn..." That wasn't english. That was mumbling from smothered chest.

"That tickles."

"Air..." You mumbled again.

"Sorry." She blushed and let go.

You catch your breath. "Thought that was only in manga. Guess not."

"What does that mean (FN)?"

"Well you're not a succubus but apparently breasts can suffocate more than I thought. Wouldn't know until now."

"Do you want to know my size?"


"I'm 38 inches in the bust. Take a guess."

(Wiki search didn't really help me. But since Rias is bigger I'm going with D cup.

By the way I thought she was much taller then 5'8" she's about an inch taller then me. Yeah I know. 24 years old and below average height.)

"D size?"

"Correct. Though I've never asked. What part of a woman do you like best? Breast? Rear?"

"Try eyes, hair, and thighs."

(If you use that line and it don't work please don't hold it against me.)

"Is that what caught your eye as soon as you saw me that night?"

"Yes it did. That flowing silver hair and those pure eyes. You caught a guy in a dream moment there. I mean what else can I say? Nowhere else to put it. No other way to explain."

"Well I thought of you as a young gentleman that was beyond difficult to find. Then we have you living here and saving your life after our first date. It all has happened all so fast. But I think we are well for each other."

"Roseweisse I think we got some time but like I told you before. I meant it. I will marry you. I will be the happiest groom you will imagine and you wear the dress of your dreams. I'm just giving it time. I trust you know that."

"Thank you. But shouldn't we be off? I'll get dressed and meet Rias. You take your time."

"I guess so. Be careful. This sounds like trouble. A swordsman. A rogue one at that."

"Yeah. Figures." You jump out of bed. Then walk out. She's right. Ah shit man. Why is it hitting me hard now? Outside Kiba in some basic training I still don't have that power. A sword is faster than my shield. Only one side of my shield has a razored edge. The other side is different. That's why Kiba is coming with me. Because chances are I can't pull this off. Bullshit on my end. You know screw this? I got goals to achieve and a woman to marry. I wasn't reincarnated to piss and moan. Screw this guy. Let's slash 'em!


Anger can lead to focus. Or end up jumping the gun. And when the target is in range you are as well.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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