Ch 31 - Slashline Part 3

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Your lover is down and your partner is temporarily aiding her. But can you two take down this faker? It is going to be tough.



You can't just stand there while this menace is going around waving around how gun-ho he is. Talk about arrogant. This guy took the cake. Really anyone with that personality living in an abandoned area acting as the owner would. What to do? Check on her and let Kiba take over? Try to get this guy on your own? Leave Roseweisse alone? Or flee? No right or wrong answer. It seems like every decision is a mission failed. If one takes over it leaves one person vulnerable and fleeing means this asshole has free wrath. 

I don't know who is stronger here? But I can't erase those tears out of my mind. It wasn't an easy decision. It was truly based on emotions. "Kiba switch."

"On it." He sprung into action. Pointing Glacial his cutlass sword right at the enemy. "Hello Igneous."

"Hello there survivor." He grinned.

"So you know about all of us don't you?" Kiba wanted more out of him.

"Thus I do. Though not much on the pathetic weakling over there. Empathy is not an asset to strength you see. Weight on the shoulders only makes a slow swing. No one is worth the time and energy to be weak." He talked in this low volume, dark, and ghostly voice. Igneous was so hollow on the inside. He talked down upon you, wanted Roseweisse dead for personal gain, and then knew Kiba he was the Holy Sword project survivor. "Though you boy are interesting. When they said one got away I didn't believe it. And now here we are. Fool. You should have taken your medicine and died back then to save you from the horrors this world carries." 

Over to Roseweisse you go over and hug tightly. "Honey please tell me you're okay." You take a breath and feel this trembling. She is calmer then a few moments ago but not near one-hundred percent. 

"Darling I'll be fine. I will just have to rest."

"Can you walk?" Serious question here.

"No good. Not well. You have to take point (FN). Don't worry about me."

"But I ca-"

She kissed you to break the doubt. "You can. I believe in you my love. Don't forget who you are. You are a man that swept me off my feet and protected me. Let go. Don't fear anymore. Take this." Roseweisse handed over a black bishop chess piece.

I think it will have to wait but I think I get it. "Be well my love. I'll be back. Please protect yourself."

"I'm worried about you. Not me." She smiled and ran a hand through your hair. "I believe in you."

That was all you needed. You separate the hug and walk over to Kiba. These two haven't moved. Igneous trying to eat into the minds of all three of you and Kiba keeping composure to not lash out or have any PTSD thoughts spring back. You look at the chess piece and put it in your pocket. She's right. I earned my way here. I worked my ass off daily. I apply myself and bend over backwards to do so. I don't need excessive strength, speed, or intelligence. I just need her and our friends. That is why I'm here. That is why I'm not dead not. "Kiba thank you. My lady is well for the time being. And you." You point shield first at Igneous. "You deserve death of one-thousand hells. We plan on taking what is ours. And that is our peace back."

He yawned. "That's cute kid."

"I will kill you." You threaten.

"Do tell."

"I am sure you can take me on. Kiba as well. But the two of us? Not happening."

"Save it kid. Come get some so we can end this quick."  

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