"We discussed it and it was the best course of action."

"You discussed my house condition without asking me," I scream on top of my lungs.

"I was looking out for you."

"How the fuck were you looking out for me, Liam? You wanted to make sure I don't leave this house, so you made sure there was no place left for me to go back. Is that what you were doing this morning?"

He doesn't say anything. "Answer me, you fucking lunatic. How dare you decide this for me?"

"How were you going to pay the rent, Mia? You have less than 500 dollars in your bank account."

"How the fuck do you know this?" This is insane. This man is crazy. "Did you have me checked out and even if you did—this is privileged information."

"I was protecting you." he lies.

"You were protecting your fucking access to me by making sure I don't leave. Go ahead, deny it."

"You threatened to leave me last night, what the fuck were you expecting me to do?"

"I did not expect you to fuck my life up."

"How is staying here fucking your life up?"

"Do you have my phone?" my voice sounds scratchy and my throat burns but I won 't stop yelling. The audacity of this man is beyond me.

He doesn't answer me, so I punch him in the stomach.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Mia?" he yells at me and moves back so my arms won't reach him. He covers his stomach with one of his hands and I think I hurt him. Good. Now he knows what I feel and guess what? I did not even break my word of not expressing my feelings.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you son of a bitch?"

He pushes his hair back and closes his eyes. Good, pray to the almighty above to save you from the blunder that you have made of us.

"Where the fuck is my phone?" I yell at him; my voice is barely able to keep up with my anger.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me, you bastard. You ruined everything for me and you can't even give me the one thing I need from you! Of course, no one will love you with the kind of bullshit you pull, you are unlovable and now I understand why." I can barely keep my breathing in check and I pause so that my racing heart can calm down. I look at his face and it is—oh my god—why did I just say what I did?

He is in pain—the hurt in his eyes is evident as day. It's as if I have kicked him in his balls. His eyebrows are scrunched together and his jaw is clenched. His eyes are deep blue, a shade I have never seen before. I want to go back and not say what I just did. No matter what he says or does that was unacceptable. How could I let those words leave my mouth?

He gets up and I follow, abruptly standing up. The seething pain comes rushing back and before I can say anything—he's walked off. What have I done?

I follow him to the house... "Liam, please stop." I don't have a scream left in me and my voice sounds like there is a crow stuck in my throat. He doesn't stop. I run to him, ignoring the pain crushing my bones and wrap my arms around his back. He tries to break free of my body on him by shrugging his shoulders and untangling my arms away from his body.

I scream in pain because any movement is killing me and because I am sticking myself like to him with glue and he is trying to feel me off—it is too much for my body to take.

He stops immediately when he realizes he is causing me pain.

I kiss his back, repeatedly trying to take away the sting of my words. He doesn't even twitch... I kiss his arms, his hands, his fingers, his shoulders and he just stands there like a statue. Oh lord, what have I done?

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