Chapter 2

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I looked at the front of my room and ripped off the posters on it. I opened my room and saw all the posters spread across my room. What if one of the boys see it. That will be a awkward conversation. Deciding not to do it at the moment I grabbed my blanket and curled up on my couch and stared out my window.

I sat there for 10 minutes and I guess I didn't realize I was crying until I wiped my eyes.

While in the process of wiping my eyes someone knocked on my door. I went into sudden panic mode. I wiped up as much loose makeup there was and ripped as much posters as I could down. "Come in!"

The door creaked open and there stood Niall. " Hey are you ok."Niall said looking concerned. Probably from my duvet and some of the posters I left up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said wrapping myself in the blanket again.

" Are you sure it looks like you've been crying." Niall sat down right next to me and wrapped his arm around me forcing me to put my head on his chest. On the inside I was fangirling but on the outside I just had a smile planted on my lips. " Yeah I'm sure, what time is it?"

"Um," Niall slipped out his phone and showed me the screen.

"Oh god I need to make dinner!"

"It doesn't take very long to make dinner there's only 6 of us right?"

" Um no, there's actually 5 other girls." I said with a half smile on my face.

"We better get started how about me and the lads help you?"

" Only if you promise not to burn the house down." I said with sarcasm walking towards the door.

"No promises and by the way loving the duvet covers."

I gave him the death stare and he sprinted towards the door before I could attack him.

I chased him down the stairs which probably wasn't the best idea. I accidentally slipped, and I was sent flying in the air. I was expecting to hit the hard ground but I fell in something warm and soft. When I opened my eyes I saw Niall smiling.

"Wow I can't thank you anymore." I said wrapping my arms around Niall's neck. I blushed when I realized what I was doing.

" No problem that's what I'm here for, but next time be more careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Niall said in a serious tone.

I thought about what he said for a little. Did he care about me? I mean we just met. I brushed off what he said to me and walked to the kitchen. "Everyone kitchen now!" I screamed getting all the boys attention. All the boys sprinted towards the kitchen lining up side by side. I started pacing back and forth like one of those military leaders. "Ok we have one goal and that is to make dinner for 11 people done soon!" All boys started to chuckle, but I looked at them and kept a straight face. "Louis Liam you guys are in charge of the noodles." Both of them put there hand in a salute. " Zayn and Harry you guys are in charge of sauce," they did the same as Louis and Liam. " And Niall you are in charge of cleanup." He smiled at me and I winked in return.

" How come Niall gets the easy job?" Harry complained.

" No questions now go go go!" All the boys took off to the their rightful places. I was guiding them through the process in case they might have accidentally picked up poison instead of salt. You never know.

We finally finished making the sauce and the noodles and now everything was heating up on the stove. " Boys I'm using the restroom don't touch anything!" The boys nodded and I made my way to the bathroom.

While I was in the process of washing my hands I heard the sound of pots clinging and the boys cursing. Dropping everything I had I ran into the kitchen seeing the kitchen and the boys covered in red sauce. "What the heck happened!"

Fear & Loathing (One Direction Romance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt