Chapter 11

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Everyone was still around me trying to help me calm down. My head was resting on Louis' shoulder, his shirt soaking every drop of sadness that fell from my eye. Just then the slam of door from downstairs was heard, and everyone went quite. I turned around and saw Niall walk across the room with a bloody nose and his hands inside his pockets with no Harry. When he reached his room he slammed the door shut. I looked at Louis with wide eyes. "I think you should go talk to him," Louis suggested. I got up and made my way towards his room.

I opened his door and stood in his door frame. He was sitting on his bed hands covering his face. "Niall?" I quietly said. He didn't respond. I walked over to his bed and took a seat in the space next to him. "I hope you know I didn't kiss Harry and I didn't want to."

Niall lifted his face from his hands, and I noticed their was blood on them. "Yes I know," anger in his voice,"I'm not mad at you it's just this isn't the first time he's done this you see."

"What do you mean?"

"Well all of us have invited girls to our house before and Harry always ends up with some sort of sexual action with them."

"You mean like..."

"Yes like sex" Niall interrupted.

"So, he was basically trying to get in my pants?"

"Basically and I couldn't control myself this time and I went a little to far."

I grabbed his hand and slightly rubbed my finger on the bloody wounds on Niall's knuckle.  He flinched from the pain. "Tell me what happened."

"Danielle I don't...."

"Tell me what happened!" I demanded.

"Well when Harry told me he kissed you I couldn't hold myself I swung a punch."

"You did what?"

He looked down and back at me. "I swung a punch and Harry being his tough self punched me back."

"Where is he now?" I asked. He looked down at the floor. "Niall?"

"He's unconscious in the woods."

I put my hand over my mouth. I was speechless I didn't know what to say. Niall just knocked out one of his best friends because of me. "Why didn't you bring him back?"

"I wasn't in my good state of mind. I was mad I wanted him to suffer, but now I realize I took it too far." he said still not looking up.

"Niall we have to go now!" I said dragging him out the door. When we crossed the living room everyone stared at us.

"Where you guys going?" asked Jordan.

"Harry's unconscious and we need to go find him." I replied. Everyone instantly shot up and followed us outside.

Niall guided us through the woods and stopped. "Uh can I have a flashlight?" Niall asked. Zayn gave him his phone and Niall turned on the light. There was nothing, but leaves. "I could've sworn he was knocked out right here."

"Well maybe he's a little bit farther down." Erin said.

"No because I remember his phone fell out of his pocket." Niall crouched down and held up Harry's phone.

ahhhh ended this chapter at a really bad point because I promised I would update when I got the votes and comments (which I got btw :)) but I had a super busy week.

Anyways can this chapter get 8 votes and 4 comments.  I really want this book to get more popular, and by doing that it will help me update quicker and make this story more enjoyable.

~Danielle :)

Fear & Loathing (One Direction Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora