Chapter 7

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We got back to the apartment and everyone fell back onto the couch.

"What do you think Ambers going to do?" Jordan said.

"I don't know just give her some time she'll get over it some time right?" I replied. No one responded.

"Anyways since the crowd is cleared up I think we'll call management to come pick us up." Louis said pulling out his phone. I really didn't want them to go, but all good things have to come to an end. "They'll be here in ten minutes, so we have ten minutes to say good bye."

Everyone got up and gave each other hugs. Everyone got an extra special one from the one they fancy.

"You guys promise to never forget about us!" Eastan said a tear forming in her eye.

"Well if you give us your numbers and skypes we'll promise to call you anytime we can.". Zayn said whipping a way a tear. We each exchanged all our social networking.

"They're here." Louis said saying it as slow as possible. I could see tears forming in every girls eyes and even some in the boys eyes.

"Well I guess this is good bye." Liam said. The boys walked slowly towards the door looking back now and then and finally the door shut.

"Th-they're gone." Erin said.

"We'll probably never see them again." Eastan said.

"Guys don't say that they said they'll make sure to call us as much as they can." Megan said.

"Megan they're celebrities with plenty of pretty girls hearts they'll forget us within the week." Jordan replied.

"Guys don't say that!" I said tears going down my face. We sat in silence for awhile. Jordan phone lit up we all crowded around her.

"It's just text message telling me I have work tomorrow."Jordan said disappointed. "Ok let's have a deal if they don't text us with in the next 24 hours we can't mention anything we did this weekend."

"It's going to be hard, but fine." Eastan said. We sat in another long silence.

"What are we going to do about Amber?" I said.

"Right now she's the last thing on my mind." Erin replied.

"Yeah, but I feel like she's going to find revenge."

"What is she going to do, kill you?" Megan said joking.

"You never know."

"Your crazy Danielle." Eastan said laughing. I gave her a fake smile. Again we sat in another silence and this one was the longest one yet. "Guys! Guys! Guys!"

"What!" we all shouted.

"Guess who texted me!"

"Zayn?!" Jordan said.

"Yes, and guess what he said!" We all stared at Eastan waiting for her to reply. "He asked me on a date!" Everyone went crazy.

"Where and what time!?" Erin said.

"He said at a restaurant, but it's a surprise and at 6!"

I took out my phone and looked at the time I also saw a notification at the bottom. It was a text from Niall 10 minutes ago.

1 new message

From: Niall Horan

Hey :)

"It's 4 now you better hurry!" I said.

"Oh god I need to take a shower and pick out my outfit oh lord I'm not going to have time," Eastan said running upstairs.

Megan got up,"I have to study for an exam."

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