Chapter 6

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We had to go down the elevator in two trips because we could not fit everyone into the small elevator. Once we all made it to the lobby we made our way towards the back door. I froze when I realized something... we only have one car that fits 7 people. " Uh hey guys you know what I just realized?" Everyone turned around and looked at me. "We only have one car!"

"I guess people will have to sit on each other's laps, but since it's my car I'm driving!" Megan said pulling her keys out.

"Dibs on shotgun!" Amber said.

"We can decide who sits where when we get to the car, but right now we need to worry about getting out of here!" Jordan said looking outside.

We quickly sprinted from building to building trying to get around the fans to the parking garage which was across the street from where the fans were. We finally made it with no fans noticing us. Megan and Amber sat in the front seat. In the way back seat the seating order went Louis, Harry, and Eastan on Zayn's lap. Erin sat in the trunk and in the middle it went me on Niall's lap and Jordan on Liam's lap. The car ride was also a pain because whenever we hit a bump, everyone who was sitting on a boys lap, heads hit the ceiling. When we arrived everyone piled out of the car.

"Adios Bitchachos" Amber said separating from the group.

"Well now she's off our back let's go!" Erin said walking towards the entrance.

We walked around the mall going into whatever shop we found interesting. No one really noticed us because there were mostly older people, but we did get some looks from cashiers. We all sat down and went on our phones. I was scrolling through the new tweets I received. I then checked world wide trends and something hit my eyes.

"Hey guys, um we might have a problem." I said staring at the new trend

"What happened?" Liam replied sounding a little concerned.

"Look at the new worldwide trend." Everyone went to the twitter app and once they saw the trend they stared at me with concerned looks. "Everyone read #onedirectionatwestfieldmall right?" Everyone nodded their heads with big eyes.

"Fans could be here any second." Louis said looking left and right trying to find any teenage girls.

"Maybe if we get out of here like right now maybe we'll make it out in time before they all arrive." Jordan said getting up. Everyone got up and started walking to the exit. "See look no fans are here yet." I started screaming coming straight behind us and in front of us. "Yeah spoke to soon RUN!"

We started sprinting towards the other exit on the other side of the mall, but I guess Louis and Harry had another plan and ran the opposite direction. No one else notice them run that way, so guess who has to be the lucky one who saves their butts. That's right me. I took a sharp turn heading in their direction. "Boys go into the next the shop!" Harry and Louis went straight into this small novelty shop. I followed them in and pulled them to the back of the room. "What were you guys doing!" I said breathing heavily.

"Isn't this the way to the exit?" Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"You're lucky you're adorable other wise I would be screaming at you."

"So what's our plan now?" Louis said trying to get a glance of what's going on outside.

"Well we don't have much time until your fans get here so find a disguise and were off." I walked around shop finding a blond wig and a scarf to go around my face. Harry and Louis came back with every possible accessory you could think of. "Yeah I'm not paying for all of that."

"No need we're paying." Louis getting out his wallet. We heard screams coming our way and Louis quickly slapped down some money and we were off. We ran out of the store and tried acting like normal pedestrians, but I had a better plan.

"Oh my god One Direction went that way hurry up I think they're about to leave!" I said pointing the opposite direction to where we were trying to go. The fans quickly turned around and were off.

We all took a deep breath. We started walking towards the exit, but I guess Harry didn't see the giant plant in front of him and tripped and feel. When he hit the ground his came off his head. I

"Oh my god Harry Styles!" I heard someone scream from behind me. Harry was picking up some of his shopping bags he dropped, but I gripped his arm and dragged him behind me leaving behind some bags. We sprinted out the doors and climbed up a tree before any of the fangirls could see us.

"How many times do I have to save your butts today?" I said.

"About one more time." Louis said as the fangirls came bolting through the doors.

"Fine I'll call Megan." I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hello? Danielle where are you? are you with the boys?" Megan said with a worried face.

"Yeah we're fine and yeah I'm with Louis and Harry can you come pick us up their are fangirls every where."

"Yeah we're kinda in a tree on the south side of the mall."

"We'll be there soon." Megan ended the call. The fans didn't really notice us they were in one big group scanning left and right some leaving the group to go else where.

Finally Megan's car pulled right next to the tree. The moon roof opened and Eastan popped out. "Jump down you'll be safe." Eastan said.

Louis quickly jumped from the tree into the car with no problem, but I guess it wasn't quick enough for the fans. They all crowded around the car. Harry made his jump into the car safely. Now my turn. I was very hesitant to jump because let's just say I'm very clumsy and I'll probably end up on the ground.

Niall poked his head out the window and waved to everyone. "Danielle jump I'll catch you!" Jumped off the tree and safely into Niall's arms.

Megan slowly drove through the crowd being careful not to hurt anyone. They finally made a pathway when we accidentally ran over someone's foot, well let's hope it was.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket and pulled out to see Amber calling me. My heart stopped.

"Hey!" Amber said.

"Hey amber."

"Where did we park the car again I left my wallet in there?"

"Um well the car isn't parking lot anymore."

"Well where is it then?"

"It's a long story."

"Danielle?" Ambers tone a voice went from cheerful to pissed in seconds.

"Well we got chased by fans, so we had to leave and we kinda can't go back or we'll get trampled."

"Fuck you!" Amber hung up the phone.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how pissed is she?" Erin asked.

"Probably 1,000." I said with a half smile.

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