Chapter 16

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*Megan's POV*

The bell rang which allowed everyone to bolt from their chair and out the door. Today wasn't a normal day. I'm usually one of the unnoticed people on campus, but today every yelled rude comments at me like whore, slut, and skank. Why was I now just becoming noticed? I saw Mckenzie waiting outside for me as usual. She had a look on her face as if she needed to tell me something. As I approached her I smiled and said, "Hey Mckenzie!" She gave me a weird expression, something was definitely wrong!

"Hey Mckenzie," she blankly said, "That's all your going to say!"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone is talking about you having sex with one direction!" I froze. One how did people find out I even hung out with One Direction, I didn't think anyone liked them at my age! I mean I'm different because I'm kinda forced to like them. And two we didn't even have sex! None of them liked me anyways, they were all over the other girls!

"What no I didn't?"

"It's alright you can tell me if you did. Which one was it with Zayn? Or was it Harry?"

"None of them! Yes, I did hang out with them, but none of them liked me! They were all over the other girls!"

"Wait did you have sex with them or no?"

I looked at Mckenzie with a straight face. I swear I love this girl to death, but what I say never sticks in her brain. "No. I. Did. Not. Have. Sex. With. Any. Of. Them!" I said separating each word.

"Ok well it's going to get dark soon, so you should come over to my dorm and explain everything in full details!" What was I going to say? All I did was watch all the boys make a move on every girl except me! It pissed me off. Me and Erin always fought over Harry back in our fangirl days and I really wanted to talk to him, but when Erin started making out with him I knew I had no chance.

"Well, I guess so, but there's not much to tell you." Mckenzie's had a dorm on campus, so all we had to do was walk a little. I noticed someone with a black hoodie was following us, but I shook it off because it was probably just someone who goes to school here. As we started to approach the entrance to the dorms I looked behind me to see if the hooded person was still following us, but there was no one in sight. As Mckenzie tried to find her keys in her purse I awkwardly stood in the cold looking at whatever there was. As Mckenzie pulled out her keys I swore someone was yelling my name. I turned around and realized Amber was walking towards me. I was shocked. How did she find me?

"Megan!" she yelled once more. I turned around to Mckenzie and she nodded at me to tell me to go talk to her.

"Amber! Where have you been!" I said approaching her. She looked different, like she hadn't slept, showered, or eaten in days.

"Oh I've been at a friend's house, but I was wondering could we talk? The girls aren't home, so I was wondering your apartment maybe?" I was hesitant to answer, but I needed to find answers. Like why she left or what is she doing with her life now!

"Uh yeah I guess," I turned around back to Mckenzie and mouthed the words, "I have to go," I walked over to my car and got in. I was sort of scared by Amber's presence. She had a look on her face like she knew something was going to happen. We drove in silence no one ever making a sound. As I reached closer to our apartment I was now regretting this decision. Why did she want to meet in our apartment? And how did she know the other girls weren't there? What if I walked in and all the girls were dead on the floor and I was next? I could feel myself start sweat and breath heavier.

"Megan are you ok?" she asked.

"Uh yeah I'm- I'm fine,"

We arrived at the apartment complex and did the usual in and out the elevator. When I reached the door I unlocked it and opened it very slowly, scared to see what was on the other side. Once it was fully opened I scanned the room for anything suspicious, which there was nothing. "Do you mind if we go to my room?" she asked.

"Uh sure," After I answered I realized what I said, and fully regretted it. There was no backing out now. I slowly walked up the stairs and down to the end of the hall where Amber's room was. I gulped as I opened the door. Before the door fully opened I felt something soft cover my mouth, but not something pleasant. I felt my body start to grow weak and my eyes getting droopy and the next thing I knew it I was out.


Their was a ringing in my ear which caused me to wake up a little. I slowly opened my eyes to see darkness, but not because the room was dark because something was covering my eyes. There was something on my mouth preventing me to scream for help. I tried to get up, but something was holding me down so tight I couldn't even move my arms. I heard someone laugh at the corner of the room and I tried to struggle again, but still no luck. "Don't bother!" I heard the same voice say, "I made it so tight not even your friends can save you!" The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't make out who it was. "It's a shame, you were my favorite of the group, but hey you got it easy! I'm just warming up for you!" And that's where it all came back to me, it was Amber! I attempted to scream, but only a small mumble could be heard through the duct tape. I heard footsteps walk over to where I was and I could feel Amber's presence in front of me. A sharp pain ripped across my mouth as Amber ripped off the duct tape and un blindfolded me. I looked around to see where I was, and thankfully I was still in Amber's room.

"Why are you doing this to me!" I screamed hoping for our neighbors to hear.

"Indoor voices Megan!" she laughed, "And because I want payback! Payback for all the years I've been pushed around and bullied by you girls. And the whole mall incident wasn't the only reason why I left, it was just my last straw! So, now I'm seeking revenge on all of you girls each one with a punishment. A punishment that varies on who I hated more."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well I'm planing on starting off with the least painful punishment which was yours and going up to the worst!"

"Who gets the worst?"

"Oh Megan, you know I can't tell you that!" Amber moved her face towards my ear and whispered, "I'm not stupid Megan! I know when your little 'friends' come to save you, your going to tell them everything! So, now I think it's time for you to go back where you were. Oh and by the way I'm taking the key with me!" I saw her bring the blind fold and duct tape back up to my face. I tried to struggle, but the chains wouldn't let me move. Once the blindfold was fully on I heard Amber's footsteps die off as she walked out of our apartment laughing. How long was I going to be here? Where were the girls and what is Amber going to do to them? Many thoughts rolled through my head, but all I could do was sit... sit and wait for someone to rescue me.

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