Chapter 9

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The first half hour consisted of us just talking about whatever. "I'm bored!" Louis said,"Let's do something fun!"

"Like what?" Erin asked.

"Like... Man Hunt!"

Everyone agreed and got up. "What are the rules?" Jordan asked.

"How about their are no teams, after 10 minutes of the game you have to give a clue of where you are, the safe area is the house and you can only go to the safe area if you're being chased, and you can only stay in the woods behind our house." Liam said.

"Wait what the woods!" I said a little concerned.

"Why whats wrong with the woods is someone scared," Harry said.

"N-no its just what if we get lost!"

"Danielle it's the twenty first century we have something called phones we're fine." Eastan said shoving her phone in my face.

"I'll protect you," Harry said smiling exposing his dimples.

I froze up, and I could feel Niall tense up next to me also. Was what he said suppose to mean something or was he just being friendly. I mean friends protect each other, right? I just shook off what he said and followed everyone outside.

"Who wants to be the hunter first?" Harry asked.

"Me!" Louis screamed,"You guys have 5 minutes to hide starting now."

Everyone sprinted into different directions, so I went straight. I ran for a long time trying to find a good hiding spot, but all that was their was trees. I finally gave up and climbed up a tree that wasn't that high. It took a couple attempts to get up to the branch that could hold my weight. When I was settled I sat and looked at my location. It was pitch black and all I could see in the distance was trees. The scenery reminded me a lot of this game Amber use to always make me play called 'Slender'. I shivered from the memories of that game. My phone vibrated.

1 new text

From: Louis Tomlinson

5 minutes are up! I'm coming mwhahahaha

I sat down dangling my feet off the branch. The only noise I could hear was crickets chirping and occasional leaves rustling from the wind, but something broke the silence. I could hear leaves crunching in the distance coming in my direction. My heart started thumping faster. The noise came closer.... and closer... and closer. "It's only the boys Danielle no one else." I whispered to myself. "Louis is that you?" There was no response. "Louis seriously if you're trying to scare me it's not funny." Again there was no response. "Louis the jokes over give yourself up!" Instead of silence there was a bright flash which made me jump and caused me to fall. I braced myself for the hard landing and for whoever was down there to kill me, but instead I landed in a soft pair of arms.

"Your alright you can open your eyes now I got you." a low familiar voice said. I opened my eyes to see Harry holding me bridal style. "See I told you I would protect you." he said doing his famous cheeky grin.

"Harry what the fuck!" I scream whispered, "You almost killed me."

"But I didn't."

"Why didn't you answer me!"

"Well I thought you were Jordan and I wanted to scare you, but I was wrong."

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of his arms. I heard both of our phones vibrate.

1 new text

From: Louis Tomlinson

10 minutes up I need hints!

I struggled to climb back in the tree, but failed many times.

"Uh do you mind if I hide with you?" Harry asked.

"Really? You almost killed me and now you're asking to hide with me." I replied still attempting to get back in the tree.

"Please!" He said pouting.

"Ok fine."

"Here let me boost you." He said crouching down. I sat down on his shoulders and he rose up allowing me to grab a branch to help me. Once I got to the original branch I was on I pulled my phone out starting to text Louis.

To: Louis Tomlinson

Go straight from your house and you'll find two of us

Harry finally got up and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for awhile. "So how did you find me?" I said breaking the silence.

"I was trying to find a hiding spot and I guess I ran into you," he replied.

"And what did you shine that was so bright?'

"Oh that was my phone flashlight."

We sat in another long silence, but this time it was a lot more awkward because I could feel him staring at me. Eventualy, he started to move closer and closer. He moved so close that he couldn't move anymore closer. "H-Harry what are you doing?" I stuttered. I looked over and saw him leaning in even closer. "Harry seriously stop what are you doing?"

"Kiss me." he said his green eyes piercing into my brown ones.

Hey guys I havn't updated in forever!  I promise I'll update more often because I had no clue what to do for this chapter but I think it turned out pretty good!  Also here's a vine I found of harry and I seriously can not stop watching it (I have no clue how to add stuff like that so tell me if you can see it or not) Make sure to rate and comment!  ILY <3

~Danielle :)

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