Chapter Seventeen

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"What's going on?" I asked Alan

"I couldn't get a hold of Cole. I went to the last place where I knew he was at, the place looked like a damn storm went through it. Everyone was dead. Cole included. Thomas is missing. We need to get out of here. Now."

With that said, we rushed the nurses with Serilda's paperwork as we got dressed. Rushing out of the hospital, we headed back to the house.

"I've got a lot of our stuff already packed up." Erica stated "I know this place where a friend of my parents keeps it empty this time of year. We can go there."

We all rushed around and loaded things into the car, as we were almost done, Serilda doubled over in pain.

"Something's wrong." She said

"Whats wrong? What is it?" I asked

"I don't know, but I think something bad is about to happen."

"Do you need to go back to the doctor?"

"No, it's not that. It's not labor pains, its..." Serilda trailed off and looked into the woods.

I followed her gaze and saw Thomas and demons standing all around. Blocking all but one way. They wanted us to go that way, I knew they did. We didn't stand a chance fighting them. Even with the weapons we had. We were outnumbered. Serilda had become weak.

"The baby, it's taking all of my energy. That's why I fainted the first time. This is His baby. When he's around, the baby gets stronger. I read it in one of the lore books."

"What do we do Serilda?" I asked

"Kill me before the baby comes. It's going to come soon."

"No, I can't do that, I won't kill you. No one is going to kill you. I can't live without you."

"If I don't die, everyone will."

"We'll give them what they want. We'll go into the woods and have the baby and kill it. Right there in front of them." Alan said

I picked up Serilda and we all slowly walked into the woods. I didn't know if the plan that Alan had was going to work, but we had to try. We got to one of the biggest tree in the middle of the woods. Soon Thomas and the Demons surrounded us. This is where they wanted us.

"Fletcher, no matter what happens, promise me you will kill this baby."

"I promise."

"The baby's coming."

Erica helped me as Serilda gave birth to the baby. I looked over at Serilda holding this baby in my hands and that's when I saw the life slowly slip out of her eyes as demons and Thomas surrounded us. I looked at the dagger in my hand and back at the baby. I had to do it, I needed to kill this baby. I looked over at Alan and Erica both of them staring at me. I couldn't do it. This was going to be the last thing that I had of Serilda and I'll be dammed if anyone takes that from me. I looked at Serilda with tears in my eyes.

"Do it Fletcher. Kill him." Serilda said loosing breath.

I held up the dagger "I can't." I said dropping it

Alan and Erica looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I kissed Serilda one last time, she was too weak to speak but we both knew that I wouldn't be able to do this without her. I stood up, looked around and saw an opening and took off running.

"FLETCHER." Erica called .

I saw them chasing after us. They can't have him. They'll have to kill me.

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