Chapter One

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My life was simple until the night that I met her. She had walked into the bar that I was at with friends celebrating finals week. She wasn't your average girl and I could tell, she was a little mysterious, but she wasn't here for fun, she was here for business. I won't forget what she was wearing that night, boot heels, a plain gray shirt with a summer sweater over it, and short, but not too short, jean shorts. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, she's thick, not like the other girls on campus. She kept looking around the bar looking for someone, or maybe something. When she had found what she was looking for, she took a shot of something at the bar, and walked over to where it was. Lucky for me, my friend, Erica, knows her.

"That's Serilda, we're both majoring in biology. I can't help but notice that you're staring hard at her Fletcher. My advice, stay away from her."

"I'm just curious to what she's doing is all. She looks pissed." I said

"Probably because her fiancée is here with another woman, but that's beyond the point Fletcher, don't even think getting caught up with a woman like Serilda. She's batshit crazy."

I watched Serilda as she walked over to whom I'm assuming is the cheater. How could anyone cheat on such a beauty like her? If she were mine, I would never hurt her, I would cherish her until the day that we died. Fletcher what the fuck dude? She has tattoos, she's probably more experienced in bed than you are. Don't get me wrong, I've had sex before, but I don't think I could handle a woman like Serilda. Lucky for me, her fiancée was at a table right next to us. What happened next, Erica was right, she is batshit crazy.

"Hello Russell, having fun tonight with this whore?"

Her voice sounded like an angel, no matter how pissed she was.

"Serilda, wh-what are you doing here? I thought you said you had to do some experiments."

"I do have experiments to do, you. You're my experiment Russell. How long would you have gone to realize that your car was missing."

The look in her eyes, I could tell that she had done something. Oh sweet Serilda, what did you do? Reminder to self, never piss off Serilda and if I do, hide my car key's.

"Would you like to see the nice little decal I did on you car? I think you and everyone here would LOVE to see it. Erica, hi why don't you and your group come outside with us. Let's see the magic that went into making this car. By the way, it took you two day's and me telling you that your car was missing, I guess you were to busy to know that considering you had your dick deep in this thing's pussy."

Everyone in ear shot got up to go outside and see the damage that Serilda had done. Once outside, we all waited I could tell that Russell was extremely nervous. Oh boy did he fuck up.

Serilda came around the corner, big smile on her face, the car was in-fact with decal now. Not the type of decal you would want on a car that is though. She had pictures of Russell and this girl on it naked, having sex. Instantly everyone started laughing, but Serilda wasn't done yet.

"I'm so happy that I could make people laugh, but the show isn't over yet folks."

Just as Serilda had said that, she lifted the cover off the hood of the car and there it was. It was Russell in a selfie dick pic with the words "I CAN'T LAST MORE THAN 6 STROKES." In bold, let's just say, we know Serilda is capable of love because let's just say if it wasn't for Russell being enlarged in the picture, you wouldn't be able to see his penis. So my question is, why is this beautiful woman with this man boy?

"Serilda what the actual FUCK?" Russell said

"What? I think this is all a nice touch to the car. Really brings out the true beauty." Serilda said laughing. "Here's the key's also I had a bonfire tonight with some friends, we burned everything you own and I changed the locks on the apartment."

Russell reluctantly got into the car with his female companion, looked at Serilda with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Can I at least get the ring back?"

"How did you think I was able to do the decal on the car Russell? I pawned it for just enough money to pay for it all."

"Why did you do this Serilda? Why did you have to go batshit crazy?"

"I told you the moment you started being interested in me that I am crazy, don't fuck with me and look at what you did. Now you crazy kids get out of here so you can unsexually satisfy her, like you did with me and all the girls before me."

Everyone started cheering Serilda on. People were taking videos and pictures saying that she's not crazy but yet a bad ass bitch. She took out her pack of smokes from her pocket and waved to Russell as he drove away. I was clapping and smiling at her when she looked at me, and that's when I saw her eyes. They were hurt, not matching the pissed off demeanor that she was giving off. I could tell that she wanted her eyes to match her emotions. I could see right through her. I have no doubt in my mind that this woman is crazy, but she still has feelings. Don't worry Serilda, I'll show you how a man should treat a woman like you. I just have to say hello first, maybe invite you to the party the frat house is throwing tomorrow night. As if reading my mind, Erica hits me in the arm, snapping me out of my trance I was having.

"Fletcher, no stay away."

"What is your deal with Serilda Erica?"

"You know how you read a book or watch a movie and the good girl falls for the mysterious and bad ass boy? Well Serilda has demons in her closet that she has yet to figure out for herself. Stay away, I don't want you to be the girls in all of the movies." Erica says

"Yeah but they all end up happy in the end Erica, the bad boy is good for the girl. It's like every love story ever written." My other friend Ian says.

"That's beyond my point Ian. Serilda isn't capable of loving someone like Fletcher."

"Wow, offensive, but I think she is. Maybe she needs someone like me. I'm going to go invite her to the party tomorrow night."

"Fletcher you're doing exactly the opposite of what I'm telling you to do."

Ignoring Erica and her calling my name, I walked up to Serilda and smiled.

"Serilda is it?"

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Fletcher Denfeld. I want to say that was a bad ass thing that you did. Most girls would just go home, eat a bunch of junk food, and watching sappy love movies."

"Yeah, but I'm not most girls."

"That I could tell, so with that, the frat that I'm apart of is having a party tomorrow night and was wondering if maybe you wanted to come. It'll be fun."

"I don't really do the whole part scene, but I'll think about it Fletcher Denfeld."

Before I could get another word in, she walked away. I stood there watching her walk away, cursing myself for not saying more and being awkward around women. She turned her head and half smiled at me. Did she feel it to? The little spark that I felt when we talked? God Fletcher, why are you being so weird? Is it because she's different than the other girls you've been with? She looks like the type of girl my mother would like to see me with, but in reality, she's the girl my mother warned me about. 

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