Chapter Twelve

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Serilda screaming and the world going black was the last thing I remember. When I came around, Thomas was talking to the demons and searching through the book.

"Where in here does it have a camouflage spell?" Thomas asked getting irritated.

The demon hissed at Thomas and grabbed the book and within a couple of flips, he handed back the book to Thomas. I looked around and saw that I was in what looked like a cabin. I was tied to a chair and had duct tape over my mouth. My head was pounding and I winced when I looked right into the light. How long was I out? Where were we? As if hearing me question myself, Thomas answered. 

"You're in my father's cabin at Big Bear Lake. You were out for some time. Granted I thought that maybe you would wake up on the drive here, so we gave you a sedative to keep you asleep. It's all apart of His plan. I knew that taking you, Serilda would come looking and when we have her, we'll kill you and keep her locked up until the baby comes."

I glared at Thomas, I knew that Serilda would make her way here if she was to think of this as the place where he would take me. I didn't want her to come. I wanted her to stay as far away as possible and keep herself and the baby protected. I was still convinced that the baby was mine and I would be dammed to let anything happen to it. 

"I have a story for you Fletcher. Did you know that Serilda was the first female born into our family after my grandfather made the deal? In the contract it was written that the first born female, no matter how long it was to take, would mother the child of Satan at the age of twenty-three. After we got caught, I didn't think I was going to be able to do the ritual with Serilda, seeing as she had to be the one to do it, and she wasn't about the lifestyle. I thought for a fact that I was going to die if He didn't get what He wanted. And then you just happened to be in her life, and now things are falling into place."

I started huffing if he was to so much lay a hand on her, I would kill him. I just needed to get out of the restraints first. Thomas went outside of the cabin and I could hear him chanting some words I wouldn't be able to translate. I looked around to try and plan an escape. I needed to get out and help Serilda. We needed to get far away as soon as possible, where they would never be able to find us. Thomas walked back into the cabin and walked over to me.

"It won't be long before Serilda shows up. I can sense her coming. She'll try to fight, but she won't be able to, we're just to strong."

The demons and Thomas started laughing at the thought that Serilda would even think about putting up a fight. Not soon after Thomas had walked inside after saying his spell, we all heard a car pull up. Thomas cut my restraints off the chair and led me outside and I could see Serilda, Erica, and Alan standing there looking confused. I still had the duct tape on my mouth so no matter how loud I would scream, it would still come out as a muffle. I tried to escape the grip that Thomas had on me, but he pulled me back, and as he did, I kicked and saw what looked like Alan becoming a double. From the look on Serilda's face, I knew that she had seen it too. Serilda started to talk to Erica and Alan, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Soon they got into the car and took off as Thomas dragged me back into the house. 

"She'll be back. She knows that I put a spell over the house. We need to prepare. We need to put Fletcher somewhere where she can see him, but not get to him."

Thomas and the demons started working together and getting things ready for the fight that was going to come between them. Serilda, just leave, please.

~Serilda's P.O.V~

I directed Alan to this church where we would be able to get weapons to fight the demons. These weapons will be able to kill them instantly. They won't go to Hell, and they won't go to Purgatory, for what doesn't have soul, can't go anywhere but simply just die. Once we pulled up to the church I heard Erica do a slight chuckle under her breath. 

"We're going to get weapons from a church? A church that serves God?"Erica asked confused.

"This isn't just a church that serves God, they also have a fault under the church that has the weapons that we need. I'm also sure that they'll be able to provide some people to help, once they hear that demons are here in California."

Once we got into the church, I saw Father Jones. The last time I had seen him, I was just a little girl coming here with my mother to try and stop my father, but by the time Father Jones was able to help, my mother was put under a spell. 

"How may I help the three of you lovely people?" Father Jones asked 

"I know you probably don't remember me, but years ago, my mother and I came to this church for help." I answered. "Carol Parker was my mother, I'm Serilda."

The color drained in his face. "I'm sorry dear, but I can be of no help to the Parker family. I am going to have to ask you to please leave."

"I'm not like my mother, I got away. My father, he kidnapped my boyfriend and is keeping him in a cabin at Big Bear Lake. He's using my boyfriend to get me back into the life that I have no intention to be apart of. Please, I need your help. This is my last resort to free my boyfriend. He didn't ask for any of this." I pleaded with Father Jones.

"Like I said, I can be of no help. I'm sure that book of your fathers will say something in it, just read that."

"He has the book, he's guarding it at the cabin, with demons."

Father Jones looked at me and then at Alan and Erica. He motioned for us to follow him. We walked towards the back of the church and Father Jones opened up a secret door and led us down a long narrow staircase to where he kept his resources. I looked around and saw the weapons and some men working on what looked like to be demon tracking. That's when I saw him. What was he doing here? How in the hell was he able to be down here with all of this information? This Father Jones was more naive than I thought. Erica and Alan looked at me with confused looks on their faces as well. 

"Serilda, thank God." Cole said as he walked over to me. 

What was my brother doing here? 

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