Chapter Four

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~Serilda's P.O.V~

I snuck out of the party after the game had ended. I didn't tell anyone that I was leaving, not like they would've cared they were all drunk and half of the party was naked walking around. Erica had gone up to Ian's room with him, Fletcher had gone off somewhere and that's when I took my opportunity to leave. I liked the walk home it was nice, peaceful and dark. I was almost home when I heard footsteps behind me, when I looked I saw someone standing under the street light. It was, but how could it be? How did they find me. I stood staring at them not loosing my ground where I stood. I wasn't going to let them take this from me too. I had a semi-good life, I was just months from graduating. I knew why they were here though, I was almost twenty-three. The cycle ends with me, I need it to.

"Serilda? Are you okay?" I looked behind me, Fletcher Denfeld.

"What are you doing here Fletcher?" I sighed

"I came to make sure you were okay, you just left and didn't tell anyone."

"I'm fine, now go home." I demanded

"Are you sure? You seemed spooked."

I looked behind me and noticed that they started walking towards us. I looked at Fletcher and knew that if they were to get to Fletcher, they would kill him.

I took Fletcher by the hand and walked towards my house. Getting to the front door, I saw them, all of them standing across the street watching us. I knew that Fletcher wouldn't be able to get home now without something happening, I knew that he would be safer with me, they can't get in the house.

"Serilda, SERILDA. What is happening are you okay?" Fletcher asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine now lets just get inside. We can talk."

I opened the door and locked it behind me. I motioned for Fletcher to sit on the couch while I went around the house double checking the doors and windows. I closed all the curtains to the house and looking outside again. They were watching me, I have to be more cautious and make sure that Fletcher is safe. They've seen him with me. Erica won't like it when I tell her that I have to keep Fletcher with me. I wanted to stay away from this boy but now that they're here, I can't, and that means one thing.

"Serilda? Look, you can talk to me, what's going on?" Fletcher asked me

"I noticed someone following me so that's why I brought you here to make sure they wouldn't bother me."

"Serilda I promise to not let anything happen to you."

"Let's just talk to get my mind off of things."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything. I don't care."

"Where are you from?"

"We're going to talk about me?"

"You said anything and that you didn't care. So, yes."

"I grew up here in Arizona."

"What city?"


"What brings you here to Coolidge? Liked the biology department?"

"More like a change of scenery. Don't get me wrong, the biology program is great here but, I needed out of that town"

"Are your parents still in Bisbee?"

"You could say that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Let's talk about you Fletcher Denfeld. Where are you from?"

"Tucson. My family all came here to Central Arizona for college. Plus it's only and hour drive so it's convenient to go home now and then."

"Do you always do what your family does?"

"Not really, no. Just like to keep the family traditions going."

"I'm trying to stop my family traditions."

"What are your family traditions?"

"Kinda hard to explain."

I looked at Fletcher, I had to be careful what I say around him. He's easy to talk to. Erica already knew about my family so it was easy to talk to her but him, I would let it all spill and not even think twice about it. Fletcher reminded me of my mom. Sweet and innocent and falling for the mysterious person. The difference about my dad and I is, I'm trying to stop the traditions and not get other people involved. I just had to make it to twenty-four and all would be okay. Just two more years. I looked into Fletcher's deep chocolate eyes and got lost in them. Before I knew it, my lips were crashing into his. His kiss was sweet and nothing that I have ever experienced before. I pulled away and looked at him, I just had to make it to twenty-four. I kissed him again to see if it was different the first time and what I was feeling was a one time thing, it wasn't. Shit. Fletcher grabbed my face, not letting me back away.

I climbed on top of Fletcher still kissing him. I broke the kiss to lift his shirt off of him. His body was perfectly toned, he wasn't to bulky but I could still see the six pack on his body. His arms were just the right size, this boy liked to work out. I looked more at his face, he had a beard but it was nice and trimmed. He took the zipper on the back of my dress and pulled it down. I got off of his lap to slowly take it off then taking off my heels. I was just standing in my bra and lacy underwear. Fletcher stood up taking off his jeans leaving him in his boxers. I took my hand and trailed it down his body. He took a step closer to me and kissed me as he unhooked my bra. He kissed me from my lips, to my neck, to my breast. I tilted my head back in pleasure and put my hands in his hair. He put his lips back on mine pulling his boxers and then my underwear down in the process.

Fletcher threw me on the couch and open my legs up. He kissed the inside of my thigh, before I felt his tongue on my clit. I let out a loud cry and began panting as he flicked his tongue in all the right places. I felt a pressure in my stomach that I had only felt when I was pleasuring myself. I put my hands in his hair, with my stomach tightening more and with one more flick of his tongue I came over his face he started sucking on my clit as I came. Coming down from the high that I just had, I looked at him as he wiped his face off and started kissing me again. He positioned himself for easier access to my entrance, and slowly went in. He started going faster, thrusting harder each time he went back in. He pulled me on top of him, I started riding him, he grabbed my hips and pushed me down further on him. I felt the tightening in my stomach again, no way that I was going to cum twice in one night without me pleasuring myself. I put my head back in pleasurement as I came once again to this boy. Soon after I came, Fletcher came too. Coming down from our high, Fletcher kissed me and smiled at me.

"That was...." I said panting trailing off looking at him.

"Yeah.." Fletcher said sighing, agreeing.

"I can officially never drink to never having an orgasm again."

Fletcher laughed at me as I climbed off of him, grabbing the shirt that he was wearing earlier. He grabbed his boxers and hugged me looking down at me smiling.

"You know, you look good in my shirt."

"Let's go sleep in the bedroom, my room is the one on the left, right after the bathroom."

Fletcher started walking up the stairs as I looked out the window one more time, they were gone, but I knew not for long. I looked up at Fletcher and he smiled at me as he extended his arm out, I smiled at him and started walking towards him. I didn't want to get mixed up with this boy and I promised Erica that I wouldn't but even if it wasn't for them, I would want to be with him, Fletcher Denfeld.

The Mysterious SerildaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora