Chapter Three

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I stayed in the lab a little longer after Erica had left, I saw Serilda's desk and a thought came into my mind to check it to see if I could find anything, something that would explain her since I was getting nowhere with Erica or Serilda. Granted I haven't actually talked to Serilda that much but I can tell that she isn't going to open up to me and if she does, she isn't going to say much. Opening her desk, I saw that she had some files on experiments she has done. Wait, what's this? R. Stevenson? Is that Russell, did she actually do an experiment on Russell? I grabbed the file, before I had the chance to open it, Serilda had walked in.

"Fletcher Denfeld, what are you still doing here?"

"I uh, I was snooping on you. I looked in your desk and found a file on Russell."

"Honest man, open the file. I have nothing to hide when it comes to the files in my desk."

Opening the file, I saw the pictures of Russell cheating on Serilda.

"You hired a private investigator?"

"My mother might have been a little off the top herself but she was wise."

"Was? Your mother passed away?"

"Cancer is one hell of a way to die."

"Is that why you're interested in biology?"

"No, I'm interested in biology to understand the genetics and evolution of humans better."

"Do you think that maybe dreams are apart of human biology?"

"Dreams are pictures that your brain makes while you sleep. I suggest if you want to understand dreams better, maybe go to one of the premed students. They would be better at understanding why the brain works."

"Yeah, I think some are coming to the party tonight. Which I should probably go and get ready for. Sorry for snooping."

"Are you sorry for snooping or getting caught snooping?"

"Both, it was none of my business to be looking at your personal stuff, I just want to get to know you better is all."

"Don't do that to yourself Fletcher Denfeld. You seem like a really good guy and I don't want you to get messed up with me. I will ruin your life and don't say you see what other's don't. That's what Russell said."

"I'm not Russell. I'm not some asshole that will cheat on you with someone who doesn't even compare to your beauty."

"Let's go get ready for that party Fletcher Denfeld."

Serilda waited till I had walked out of the lab, she followed close behind locking the door. I watched her as she walked towards the other side of campus where I'm assuming is where her housing is. Walking back to the house, I couldn't stop thinking about Serilda, her eyes looked different today. They looked, happy I guess you could say. Getting back to the house I jumped into the shower wondering what it would be like to shower with Serilda. Would it be like in the movies where we giggle and slowly make love? Or would be have hard core passionate sex? Either one I wouldn't mind. After my shower, I heard the music begin and soon people started to show up. I stayed in my room for about another hour, drawing Serilda. I'm an art major and have a final grade coming up. Serilda has the perfect beauty for it. Plus, I wasn't missing much from the party if Serilda wasn't here.

"Yo, Fletcher quit drawing for a couple of hours and get your ass downstairs. Serilda just walked through the door." Ian said.

"She actually showed up? Man I would've loved to see Erica's face when she walked in to give me that, 'don't mess with her look'"

"Actually, Erica and Serilda showed up together."

"What? She tells me to stay away from her but yet she's showing up to the party at my house with her? How the fuck does that make sense?"

"I don't know dude but we got some bad bitches downstairs. I'm getting laid tonight." Ian laughed and walked out of my room

Walking down the steps, some people were making out, some people have gathered in one corner to smoke pot. I heard people in the back more than likely going skinny dipping in the pool. Then I saw her. Her hair was down, straightened, she was wearing a thigh high dress that was black with heels on. Her make up looked amazing she had on dark black eyeshadow and eyeliner with a deep red lipstick. She looked like she just came out of a magazine.

"Fletcher Denfeld. Nice of you to finally join the party you invited me to." Serilda said flashing her amazing smile.

"Why do you always say my last name?" I asked laughing

"Two reasons, one, I know no one else does it and I don't like to be like other people and two, when you introduced yourself to me you said Fletcher Denfeld."

"Point taken. So what's going on in this group? You seem to all just be sitting here doing nothing."

"Well, we were waiting on you to come down and finally join us" Noah, my frat brother had said.

"So, what's the plan since I've made my appearance?"

"Well, how about never have I ever." Ian suggested

"Works for me." Erica said.

"Well, we all know that Serilda is going to be drunk by the end of this." Claire, Noah's girlfriend smirked

"What exactly is that supposed to mean Claire?" I said defending Serilda.

"I'm just implying that a woman like Serilda would just do about anything."

"How about you keep your damn opinions to yourself Claire."

"Woah Fletcher dude, calm down." Ian said

"Let's just all grab a couple of drinks and play this game." Erica said

After grabbing our drinks, we started off with Claire.

"Never have I ever, fucked in a car."

Serilda, Noah, Claire and Ian drank.

"Never have I ever done anal." Noah said

Claire drank, people looked at Serilda and honestly I was waiting on her to drink.

"What? Sorry that I don't prefer for things to go up my ass." Serilda said

"Never have I ever been arrested." Ian said

Noah, Ian, Serilda and myself drank

"What was it that you got arrested for Serilda? I know the boys' story already." Claire said

"I was falsely accused of setting a barn on fire, I wasn't anywhere near it, so they had to let me go."

I could tell that Claire didn't believe in her story but what she said next I was not expecting Serilda to drink.

"Never have I ever, not had an orgasm during sex."

"Serilda, you've never had an orgasm during sex?" Erica asked shocked

"No, but what may come to a shock to this blonde bimbo, I've only had sex with two people. One of them being six stroke Russell. So, nope not have that pleasure." Serilda explained

I couldn't help but think that I could make sure that she was to cum before I did. Maybe even multiple times. I could make her cum with my hands, my mouth but most importantly making her cum all over my dick with her sweet, sweet pussy. I wonder what she taste like. I stare at her the rest of the game, not paying attention but drinking now and then. Serilda kept making glances at me, lust in her eyes. Somehow it feels like she is reading my mind.

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