| Minchan

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Tiltle: Sorry

Ship: Minchan/Banginho (Minho and Chan)

Genre: angst + fluff

Requested by ChizuChishi


"You are always like this!" Chan said and threw the flower vase on the floor

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"You are always like this!" Chan said and threw the flower vase on the floor.

"Like what?!" Minho asked

"Always so touchy with everyone else," Chan replied.

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked, frowning. "Are you jealous?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about Lee Minho and of course I am jealous. You always push me away. You were not like this before," Chan said teary eyed.


"I am so nervous," 17 year old Chan said.
(Chan is 18 in the present in the one shot.)

"You can do this hyung. I am sure he will say yes," His cousin, Felix said.

"But what if he rejects me?" Chan asked.

"He won't. I am sure he likes you back," Felix replied.

Chan was going to confess to his bestfriend, Minho. They had been frineds since Chan was 5 and Minho was 4. Over the years Chan had developed a huge crush on Minho and hoped that it was the same case for the other.

Chan had invited Minho over for a 'hangout' since his parents weren't home for a week. They had went on a business trip along with Felix's parents, leaving Felix and Chan together.

Felix said that he will go to Jisung's house so that he and Minho can be alone but Chan begged him to stay for moral support.

The doorbell rang.

"Oh no he is here," Chan said.

"Go and hide somewhere!" He said to Felix.

Minho didn't know Felix would be there.

"Okay I will hide in your walk in closet," Felix replied. "You go and open the door!"


The doorbell rang again.

"ONE SECOND," Chan yells while running down the stairs.

He almost trips over and kills himself in the process.

He fixes his clothes and pats his hair down before opening the door.

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