"Well what other choice do I have!?  She's the only one that's free to hang out with me!  You're off with Zayn, and my heart literally breaks every time I see a picture of you two together.  Jesy is barely around anymore, and when she is, she's always with you!  Leigh-Anne is the only one who's stuck by my side, so don't you dare say she's at fault for us hanging out together.  If anything, it's your fault!"

"I understand that during your free time you hang out with her, but you're starting to blow off our plans to be with her!  You're ignoring me and avoiding me like the plague, and what do you do instead?  You goof off with Leigh-Anne as if I don't know about it!"

"The only reason I'm avoiding you is because every time I do spend time with you, it always ends up with us fighting exactly like how we are now.  I know you're going through something really hard right now, but you don't have to take it out on me!"

"Maybe if you actually spent time with me, I wouldn't be like this!"

"I SPENT THE ENTIRE WEEKEND WITH YOU!  I COULD'VE BEEN WITH MY FAMILY, BUT YOUR WHINY ASS MADE ME STAY WITH YOU!", Jade yelled, fuming by this point.  "And for what?!  For you to yell at me every five seconds because 'Leigh-Anne this' and 'Leigh-Anne that' and 'you don't spend time with me anymore' and 'blah, blah, blah'!"

"All I'm asking is for you to stop hanging out with her!"

"So that I can stay cooped up with you all day just so you can yell at me some more?!  No!  Plus, Leigh-Anne is my friend!  She's your friend too!  I can't just ditch her because you're getting jealous!"

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!", Perrie screamed, pushing Jade away when she tried to rush in for a hug.  Hugging Perrie until she lost all of her fight seemed to be the only way that Jade could calm the girl down, but this time it didn't work.  "I'm not fucking jealous of that bitch that's stealing you away from me!"

"That bitch is your best friend and bandmate, Perrie!  You know what I don't get?  I don't get how when I'm finally happy and starting to cheer up about life, you get mad at me and call me a liar!  You're only happy when I'm miserable and depressed because you have me locked up beside you, and while you're away with Zayn, I can't do anything but miss you and feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest because you won't allow me to do anything else without you!"

"That's what a loyal girlfriend is supposed to do!"

"Are you saying I'm not loyal!?"

"You're fucking cheating!"

"For the last time, Perrie, I'm not cheating on you!  I love you, but it's starting to get difficult..."

Perrie paused for a second, Jade's words finally getting to her.  "You don't love me anymore...?"

"No, Perrie, I didn't say that-"

"That's why you're cheating on me, isn't it!?  You don't love me anymore, you love Leigh-Anne!"

"What the fuck?!  Perrie!  I don't love Leigh-Anne-"


"I'm not a liar-"



"You never loved me this entire time!  Were you just using me?  Were you and Leigh-Anne pranking me?  I hope you had a few good laughs over my pain and suffering-"

"Perrie Edwards, will you just stop talking and listen to me!?", Jade shouted, slamming Perrie back into the wall behind her.  "You're loosing your mind, Perrie!  You're slipping, and I'm fucking scared.  I'm scared, Perrie!  I don't want to lose you!  You own my heart, and even though you're continuously calling me a liar and a cheater, I still love you...but I don't know how much further I can go.  You're the one with the most pressure, I get it, but that doesn't mean you have to give in to the demons in your head.  You can fight them.  You can become the old Perrie.  The Perrie I first fell in love with.  The Perrie that spent her time perfecting her goat impressions instead of her makeup.  The one who spent her time trying to make me laugh instead of ignoring me in front of the fans.  The one who looked at me with loving blue eyes instead of the dull ones that I see now.  Please, Perrie...I need the old you back."

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