Chapter 22: "Dean Levi"

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The next thing I know I was in a white empty space. I looked around for a sign of... anything. But saw nothing but pure white.

"Hello?" I called. I took a step forward but felt like I went nowhere.
"Ellie..." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I gasped and whipped around quickly. Now in front of me was Dean.
"S-Stay back..." I said and took a step away.
"Ellie... you and I both know if I wanted you dead I would have killed you by now..." He said, looking pained by his own words.
"Yeah, I'm aware you don't have any problems killing anything without any thought to it." I huffed.
"Look, I know I'm fucked up. I know I shouldn't kill as if I'm some god in control of the lives of others..."
"Then why do you do it?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
"Because it makes me feel powerful... You and I both know this won't be the last time I kill anybody." Dean says making my heart race.
"Then I'll just tell Shawn to kill you..." I said, hoping to intimidate him.
"No... not Shawn... You. I want you to kill me."
"Me? Do you realize what you've done to Shawn? How you hurt him and ripped him away from his normal life..." I scoffed.
"I know what I've done to him, he's not special though, he's not the only one I've turned."
"Why? Why me then?"
"Because of all the people I've met I've felt nothing but good from you. Why do you think I imprinted? You have this aura around you that makes you irresistible. Something I've learned is much like vampires, werewolves have powers too. The only difference is, is that werewolves don't know about it. Like this. Where we are now. This is my power. I can take you out of your mind and bring you to mine. I did this with Shawn and that's how I got him to confess his past to me." He explained. I just crossed my arms and looked at him confused.

"How is being irresistible a power?" I scoffed.
"Think about it... I imprinted on you immediately after meeting you, do you know anyone else who would have been in my position?" He asks. I stop for a moment to think. Dean, Alex, Shawn...
"Th-That hardly seems like an advantage," I said.
"You can take your worst enemy and make them love you. You don't control it now because you don't know how but when you learn you'll find it very useful. You can create an army if you need to. The most powerful weapon in this world is trust and you have the power to use it against people."

"I'm telling you this so you can teach others, you're going to be a powerful Alpha, especially now that you and Shawn have completed your ceremony," Dean says. I widened my eyes in shock.
"H-How did you-"
"Your eyes and Shawn's are red. Also, Shawn has authority as an Alpha to officiate an Alpha ceremony... not that hard to piece together." Dean scoffed. I sighed heavily.

"It's a shame you had to end it like this Dean... You're a smart and powerful werewolf, it would have been an honor to have you in my pack if you hadn't turned out to be so..."
"Evil?" Dean asks with a smirk. But I wasn't amused.
"Yeah..." I said with disappointment in my voice.
"Well, I always knew this day would come, the moment I first got a taste for blood I knew it'd end in my demise..." Dean sighs.
"Are you truly ready to die?" I asked.
"I am, I know if I accept Shawn's mercy I'd just go off, find a new home and kill there, who knows I may even come back for revenge." Dean chuckled. Making me cringe in disgust.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way," I said.
"I'm not... Goodbye Ellie Lynne, it was an honor meeting possibly one of the greatest werewolves, and to die by the hands of one..." Dean bowed.

In a flash, I was back in reality. When I opened my eyes I was in Shawn's arms as he cradled me and looked at me worried. I moaned in pain from the throbbing feeling in my head. I closed my eyes tight before opening them again. I then sat up and looked back to where Dean laid in his wolf form, eyes closed breathing heavily.

I sighed as I started to stand up. Shawn helped me up but I took a step away from him as I walked up to Dean.

"Ellie, let's go, you-" I put my hand up, signaling silence from Shawn.
"Dean..." I said firmly. To my voice, Dean opened his eyes he then quickly got up and stood tall in front of me.
"Ellie! Move!" Shawn barked and I heard his footsteps quickly breaking out into a run behind me.
"Shawn! Stop!" I yelled as I quickly whipped around. Shawn, caught off guard, looked at me in shock.
"Shawn... I'll explain later..." I said calmly before turning back around to Dean. Dean transformed back to his human form and kneeled in front of me, holding his head high and exposing his neck to me. I felt my claws growing from my fingertips as I locked eyes with him.
"Goodbye Dean Levi..." I said firmly before raising my hand and slashing his throat. I closed my eyes and flinched as I felt the warm liquid spurting out onto my thighs. I felt the tears in my eyes burning and my legs started to shake once I heard his body hit the floor.

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