Chapter 18: "Connect"

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"Ellie! Ellie!" I heard a faint, familiar plea from the darkness that engulfed me. And for a quick second, I saw a very blurry figure dodging what looked like a swipe from a full white figure.
"Ellie! Please!" The voice caught me again before the darkness took over once more.
"Ellie!" The voice started to become more clear.
"Ellie Lynne!" The voice was now louder and sharper. The darkness that I saw started to fade and I regained a blurred vision. I closed my eyes tight before opening them again. The blurry figure in front of me started to come back into focus.

In front of me, all I could see was a long white fluffy snout, I looked down to my legs only to see they were wolf legs with giant paws also covered in white fluffy fur. I jumped back at the sight but heard scratching from my claws on the hard cemented floor. I heard a whimper fall from my mouth as I fell back on my butt. I looked back to see I wasn't even a person anymore, I was a giant wolf. I watched my white tail swaying for a moment before I made it stop and rest on the floor.

"El-Ellie..." I heard a weak pathetic whimper from in front of me. I whipped my head back to see Shawn, his denim jacket was discarded to the side. The white shirt he wore underneath was torn up as well, invaded by large claw marks and bite marks, where he was scratched up and bitten, blood stains started forming around it. I thought he was beaten up before but now... did I do this?

I furrowed my brows before gently and cautiously laying down and resting my head on my paws. I can't kill Shawn...

"Oh thank God." Shawn sighed before collapsing to the floor and breathing heavily. I quickly raised my head and looked at him worried. Shawn must have heard my quick movement and slightly opened his eyes.
"N-No... no, I'm ok, I just... I need a minute. You're... you're so fucking strong!" Shawn exclaimed. I huffed and rested my head back on my paws. I watched Shawn's chest moving up and down rapidly before seeing the deep cuts I left in him slowly start to heal.

"You know... I completely underestimated you, sure you're shorter than Dean and I in wolf form but fuck... you're so much stronger." Shawn chuckled. Although as a giant wolf I couldn't smile I felt a small smirk creeping up, it's a good thing Shawn can't tell because I'm still mad at him and want an explanation before deciding what to do with him.

"I hope you know I can hear your thoughts, and please just give me a minute. I can show you everything you need to know," Shawn said. I immediately whipped my head up again and looked at Shawn surprised.

He can hear my thoughts? Show me? What?!

"I know! I know it's confusing but we're mates for life, and this meaning we're connected in every way. And uh... you probably never would have known this but when you imprint on someone and they imprint on you... you can read each other's thoughts." Shawn explained. If I could blush I think I would. I've been trying to hide it from Shawn that I imprinted on him that night he confessed when he was bitten.

"Oh, so that's when it happened for you?" Shawn asks looking at me with a raised brow.


"Sorry," Shawn chuckled, " sometimes it's like a radio I can't turn off." He explained.
"Why is this happening now even though I imprinted days ago and you imprinted immediately?" I asked in my head.
"It doesn't happen right away of course. Uh, I think Logan said something about a delay to give the minds some time to fully connect..." Shawn says with furrowed brows, uncertain of his answer.
"Alright... Well... what are you talking about when you say you can show me?"
"Just like reading each other's thoughts I can share my memory with you and I will do so." Shawn simply put it.
"Memories? How do I know you won't just try to project some false images in my head and call that a memory?"
"Well, simply because it doesn't work like that... If given the permission, you can see what I saw in my past, and I want you to get my perspective from me." Shawn explained.
"So do it! So I can know whether or not to eat you in this form." I thought but physically growled at him.
"I already heard you say you can't, I mean you can but... I know you care about me too much." Shawn said with a small smile at me. I felt myself get a little weak at it but just looked away.
"Doesn't mean I won't get rid of you... Stop being so cocky it pisses me off." I huffed.
"I'm sorry, even as a wolf it's cute seeing you get frustrated." Shawn teased.
"Just hurry up and show me," I whined.
"We need to be in the same form for it to work, and I'm assuming you're too confused to know how to change back to your human form right?" Shawn asks.
"It's fine, I wasn't so sure at first either." He sighs.
"I don't even fully know how I changed..."
"I'll change, just let me..." Shawn started as he pulled himself up. He winced in pain before putting himself on all floors. He took in a deep breath before he started changing. He growled in pain but I watched as he started transforming.

After just a moment Shawn was in his wolf form, his wounds followed his transformation and were visible on his chest, neck, and face. I sighed and stepped up to him. Just like in our human forms I had to slightly look up at him since he was still taller. Shawn just bowed his head before bringing it closer to mine. I felt his forehead against mine as he closed his eyes, I did the same and closed my eyes as well. And almost as if I was being thrown back in time everything went by in a flash...

"Help! Help me!" I screamed my lungs burned from all the running and yelling I did. I jumped over a log and hid behind it, breathing heavily. I looked down to see I wasn't in my own body, but the strong build and fair skin were familiar, I was Shawn?

I was seeing what Shawn saw... but what is he showing me? Why is he running? Who is he running from? Probably some bloodsuckers...

"Oh, God..." I panted as I peeked over the log. I watched a dark figure getting closer and closer. I gasped and threw myself forward ready to run again but just as I was about to stand to run away I felt something sharp digging into my ankle. I screamed in pain and looked down to see a set of claws clutching into my skin.

Claws... vampire don't have claws.

"Please! Please don't kill me! I-I promise I won't tell anyone I saw, I don't even know your name! Who would believe me even if I did tell them I saw someone like you!" I begged as I tried to tug my foot away.
"Now, now..." A deep voice cut in. I looked back to the dark figure to see them finally come into the light.

I gasped and pulled away from Shawn in shock. I looked him in the eyes feeling terrified at who I just saw. Shawn looked pained before moving his head closer to mine, signaling he wants to continue. I swallowed hard and reconnected our foreheads before I closed my eyes again.

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