Chapter 15: "You Win"

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"Dean..." I whimpered as I felt my eyes burning. Dean pulled his head back before quickly whipping it forward, mouth open ready to end me. I closed my eyes tight, ready for impact when a loud whine invaded my ears. I quickly opened my eyes to see Dean being pulled back and off of me.

I watched as Dean was thrown against a nearby tree. I looked over to the source only to see a stronger and slightly taller looking wolf. My eyes widened as I looked the solid brown wolf in front of me, red glowing eyes with a slight curl to his fur, but I immediately knew from those small details alone...

"Shawn..." I gasped as I stared at him. The giant wolf that took out Dean looked at me and lowered his head, almost as if to bow to me. I scoffed as I sat up and reached out, placing my hand on his head. The fur was thick, wiry and coarse, I hummed as I stood up. I watched Shawn's eyes go from red to his usual chocolate brown as he looked me in my own eyes.

As we stood there in our own moment, we forgot the severity of our situation but was brought back when I watched Shawn get tackled by Dean. I gasped and stepped back. Dean was on top of Shawn, snapping at him but Shawn held him at bay by extending his front legs out, paws on Deans chest, head turned to the side, avoiding Dean. I gasped and stared as I tried thinking on the spot. They were huge, wolves, roughly the size of a large horse... I felt myself starting to shake with adrenaline as an idea hit me. I shook off my nerves as I quickly sprinted forwards towards the fight.

As soon as I approached them Dean quickly snapped forwards grabbing Shawn by the neck. Shawn let out a loud whine out of pain before he tried pulling away from Dean. Once I was close enough I quickly reached out, grabbing a handful of fur from Dean's shoulder in my hand before pulling myself up onto his back. I climbed up and straddled the back of his neck before reaching forwards and grabbing onto both of his ears and pulling them towards me like they were the reins on a horse.

Dean growled and released Shawn as he backed up and lifted his head trying to see me. He then positioned himself and slightly hunched his back. I gasped, knowing exactly what he was about to do before releasing his ears and wrapping my arms around his neck. Dean then started shaking himself off as if he was a wet dog. I yelped and dug my claws into his flesh holding on for dear life as he tried removing me but I had to stay strong.

When he stopped I felt slightly dizzy but then caught sight of Shawn readying himself. I knew that this was my cue to leave. I quickly stood up, balancing myself on Deans back before looking around me, I saw ahead of us a low hanging tree branch within my reach. I then looked over to Shawn and gave him a knowing nod. Shawn caught sight of me and my signal then started charging towards us. I quickly ran forward, stepping on the center of Deans head before jumping forwards and reaching out. I grabbed the tree branch and pulled myself up onto it just in time to look back towards Dean who stupidly kept his eyes on me.

Dean didn't notice until last second, Shawn running up to him, mouth wide open. Shawn snapped his jaw shut under Deans neck as started pushing him back. Dean let out a choking sound before a quiet and restrained cry while he was being pushed. Shawn had managed to push him all the way against a tree slamming him up against it. Dean put up his paws to try and push Shwan away, he slashed at him and pushed but nothing was getting him out of it.

Shawn then quickly slammed Dean down to the floor and I watched as Deans head bounced off the floor once and his eyes closed. I twitched at the sight but knew this fight was over. Shawn knew too as he released Deans' neck and took a few steps back but still stayed cautious of him. It wasn't until we witnessed Dean transforming back to his human form that Shawn and I both relaxed. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. When I opened them again I looked down to see Shawn staring up at me, scoldingly. I sucked lips in my mouth knowing he must have been upset. I looked up to see a perfect path of branches to climb that was out of Shawn's giant wolf reach. I quickly took this chance to stand up and start climbing higher. I heard an audible growl from under me but didn't look back, knowing this wasn't going to end well for me.

It wasn't until I had barely reached the third branch up, that the tree started shaking viciously, almost making me lose my grip. I yelped as I held on tighter, sinking my claws into the branch I was holding onto. I looked down to see Shawn standing on his hind legs with his front paws against the tree pushing on it roughly.

"O-Ok! Ok! You win! I'll come down!" I yelled feeling my grip loosening, afraid I was actually gonna fall from the tree. When my words reached Shawn he stopped shaking and dropped back down to all floors staring up at me with that deadly glare. I sighed heavily before I aimed for the floor below me. I just simply slipped off the branch and fell straight to the ground. I landed on my feet, crouched down with a loud thud. When I stood back up I looked up to Shawn who was not impressed by my 20-foot drop.

"Look, I know I said I'd tell you when I was gonna come talk to Dean..." I started, Shawn just narrowed his eyes at me as he let out a huff through his nose.
"And I meant to... but I realized that you know I'm an adult... I can take care of myself..." I bullshitted him. Shawn just bared his teeth at me and gave me a quick growl, knowing I wasn't being honest with him.

"Alright, listen. Shawn, I understand that you worry about me and obviously now within good reason for what just happened here... but I really am an adult, I may not have fully known what I was doing but I just know this was something I had to do alone. And to be fair I did warn you in a way, I knew Brian and Zubin would be dumb enough to go get you for me. And I knew the moment you saw both of them you dropped what you were doing, rushed back over to my house, saw I was gone and started hunting me down. Right?" I asked as I crossed my arms. Shawn just narrowed his eyes at me again but this time he knew I was right.

"I may have been dumb for setting off Dean the way I did, which by the way he kissed me, professed his love for me and tried to get me to run away with him so I feel everything that just happened was justified, but now we can drop this and leave it all behind us," I explained. Shawn just huffed again before leaning his head down and pushing his big snout against my stomach. I gasped as I was lightly pushed away and looked at him confused. He just pointed his nose back towards the direction he came from probably indicating that he wanted me to go home.

"Well, what about- oh." I was gonna refer to Dean but when I looked over to where we last saw his body he was gone. Shawn turned his head to see he was gone too before quickly looking back at me with a stern look on his face. He then nodded back, behind me, signaling me to go.

"P-Please be careful. Come back to my house so we can talk, ok?" I asked. Shawn just nodded once before turning around and walking up to the area where Dean used to lay.
"And please don't kill him..." I sheepishly instructed him but Shawn didn't even so much as look at me as he leaned his head down and sniffed the ground, catching Deans scent. I watched with a worried expression as Shawn moved his head up and sniffed the air, he must have smelt Dean because he started running in a direction further into the forest.

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