"That... was revolting." Queen Hera said, wiping her mouth with a paper towel. Ares chuckled. She slapped his head with a frying pan. Ares mumbled a bad word.

"Geez, thanks mom." Ares said.

"Just be happy you didn't have to lick a boy's foot." I told Queen Hera. "They have kooties."

This didn't seem to cheer her up.

Dionysus' POV

"Well, I'm waiting." Victor said with an infuriating grin. Well, if that's how he wants to be...

I summoned my thyrsus and charged at him. For a instant, Victor appeared as a blur then disappeared. I felt a foot collide with my back sending my into the ground several feet away. I raised my head, wincing.

"Tch." I said with a grimace. Victor suddenly appeared before me.

"You aren't going to keep up if you move that slow." Victor said. I scowled. That bastard! I stood up and patted my pants to get the dust off.

"Very well then— I will run. Even if I do hate it." I said. Summoning my aura of power, I focused on only using it to enhance my speed. With a burst of speed, I swung around behind him and brought my thyrsus down towards his back. He blocked it with his mace and spun around. I moved out of the way and to his side before he could react. I made to slice at him but he blocked me again. Damn! How does he keep doing that? This fight should be over.

Getting tired of trying to land a hit on him, I decide to end the battle in one feel swoop by driving him mad. With a quick burst of energy, I sent an aura of madness to is vicinity. When the purple light disappeared, I saw he wasn't there. I was frozen for a moment or two before I heard someone coming at me from above. I jumped back and Victor crashed where I was standing.

"How—?" I began.

"I moved faster than your aura could touch me." Victor replied as if obvious. "So, you done running or was that all you had?"

I scowled and charged at him with an incredible burst of energy. I raised my thyrsus and brought it down on his head.


I flew backward into some columns, causing them to crumble on top of me. I felt like puking up my food Victor had kicked me so hard in the stomach. He flew over in front of me.

"So, that is as fast as you can go." Victor said. "Good, just making sure. Looks like I'm still plenty faster than you."

"You mean each time I came close to getting you...?"

"That's right: I wasn't even going my fastest to begin with. I was just assessing what I was up against." Victor said. "Now—"

A wall of flames came between us and flung Victor back. He landed twenty feet away.

Who did that? I turned around and even I was shocked to see who it was.

Imposter's POV

Hephaestus...? But no, he wouldn't—

"Leave my nephew alone." I head a woman say. My eyes widened. It can't be! I thought she faded along with her siblings.

"Hestia?" I said. "Wait... you must be the other dimension Hestia."

Her face was stoic so it was impossible to tell what she was thinking. As I waited apprehensively for her to say something, the time for her to speak grew longer and longer.

"...Let's race." Hestia said. My heart jumped.

"E-Excuse me?" I asked. Hestia's face remained impassive.

"Let's race." Hestia said again. "Go."


"Guh!" I gasped, golden ichor spurting out of my mouth. A scythe was embedded in my back where Hestia stood. Before I could even react, she had gotten behind me and cut me. The only person who's ever beaten me in the race was Hermes! Just how fast was she?

"What the Tartarus are you?" I asked. She pulled out the scythe and I fell to my knees. Wincing, I looked over to see Zeus was still fighting with the other gods.

"STOP!" I heard someone shout.

King Apollo and Leto came flying down on a Nyan cat. It landed in front of the formerly rampaging gods that now stared at him in confusion.

"Stop fighting him right this instant." King Apollo said. This was going down hill fast...

"Are you my Zeus?" Leto asked Zeus with hope in her eyes. I've honestly never seen her look so desperate.

"Yes." Zeus said. She hugged him and teared up.

"Please get me out of here! I'm so sick of this place! This was the wort idea ever!" Leto said, practically about to sob. King Apollo scratched his head.

"Well, thanks a lot! Glad you like the place." King Apollo said. Dionysus ran over to Zeus and I felt my heart clench in despair. My eyes burned as if there was acid in them and I clenched my teeth and hands. Why...? I was so close! Just to lose it all! Zeus looked over at me and his eyes blazed. He stormed over to me and picked me up by the shirt.

"Do you realize what I'm going to do to you?" Zeus growled. I felt something inside just break. I failed. I had promised to succeed but I failed.

"Is he... crying?" King Apollo said pointing at me. Dionysus snorted.

"Pathetic." Dionysus said.

"I just... w-wanted to help A-Athena." I said, choking back a sob. King Apollo's eyes widen with horror and realization.

"Wait, you intended too..." King Apollo said. His mouth formed a little "O" shape.

"He intended to what?" Hestia asked. Zeus finally seemed to realize she was there.

"Hestia? What are you doing here? Or wait... are you this dimension's Hestia...?" Zeus asked. I couldn't see Hestia as she stood behind me but I imagine she shook her head.

"No, I'm from your dimension." Hestia said. "Apollo, what's this about Athena."

King Apollo looked down, pursing his lips. "I'll let Victor explain."

"There was a war long ago that was hard on all of us. Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hades and Hestia all faded. Hephaestus permanently lost his right eye and..." I swallowed. "Athena... had one of the worst fates. She lost her mind. As the goddess of wisdom, even fading would've been better."

I blinked back tears as I continued. "I visit her everyday. She never even recognizes me her mind is so gone! So, even though she can't comprehend speech anymore... I held her hand and promised to bring her back."

Everyone just stared at me.

"Don't you have your own Dionysus...?" Zeus asked.

"We do but... he wasn't enough. I decided that we might need two Dionysus then." I explained. "That's my story."

Everyone was quiet for a while.

"Tch." Dionysus said with crossed arms. "You honestly have to be so difficult. Did you really think I was such a low life that I wouldn't help if you explained your situation?"

"Huh?" I lifted my head.

"Idiot. I might as well help as long as I'm here." Dionysus said with a tired sigh. I felt like the whole world was being reborn.

"Really? You will?" I said, grinning so wide my face hurt.

"Yes but wipe that stupid grin off your face. It's unbecoming." Dionysus said. I saluted him.

"Yes sir!"

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