Hermes sat in a corner(curse that little punk), filming everything that was going on. I swear, as soon as the hour is up, I'm going to squash the little creep.

I took a sip of tea. Then I resisted the urge to make a face. How can anyone like this stuff?

"Are you enjoying your tea, Miss Honeycakes?" Hebe asked, smiling as sweetly as ever. Hermes smiled too.

"Yeah, how does it taste, Miss Honeycakes?" He asked. I smiled a strained smile.

Through gritted, I said, "It tastes simply divine. I really, really love tea."

I crushed the cup in my hand.

Hebe stared for a while before grabbing my hand. "Oh my goodness, Miss Honeycakes! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Lady Hebe." I replied, sighing. Only the tip of my thumb had been cut and a small trickle of gold ichor flowed out of it. Hebe bit her bottom lip in concern.

"Here! Let me get you a Band-Aid." Hebe began to dig through her bag.

"It really won't be ne—"

"Got it!" She shouted. She pulled out two different Band-Aid boxes. "I have two different types you can choose from: Hello Kitty or My Little Pony. Which would you like Miss Honeycakes?"

Hermes was laughing up a storm in his corner. Oh, how I wish he wasn't immortal. Then I could kill him.

"I guess... My Little Pony." I replied, just wanting to get this over with. Only forty-five more minutes. She quickly pulled out a Band-Aid and wrapped it around my finger.

"Oh, look! You got Fluttershy. She's a good one." My sister told me. I looked dubiously down at the pinked mane, yellow pony wrapped around my finger. It stared back at me with large blue-green eyes. I soften a bit. Well, I guess she is kind of cute...

"Would you like some more tea now?" Hebe asked. I smiled enthusiastically.

"Of course Miss Hebe! I'd love some!"

Leto's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hecate asked me, her eyes shining with worry. "You have no clue what you could find in that world."

I strapped a sword to my side. "I made a promise to my son. I'm going to go through with it. Besides, have you ever known me to cower out of things before?"

"Still," Hecate said, pursing her lips. "No one would blame you if you did."

"I'm going to the alternate world. Now, open the portal." I said defiantly. Still looking reluctant, Hecate got the portal ready. I stepped over to the portal.

"Well, wish me luck." I said.

"You'll need to talk to Tyche about that." Hecate said. I smirked and walked into the portal.

Oh. My. Olympus...

This... this place... it's horrible!

The sun was shining bright and all the gods skipped through the meadows on Olympus(at least, I guess this was Olympus) like they were high on... something. I don't know what. Cats flew through the air farting rainbows. Or was it pop tarts farting rainbows? I really couldn't tell.

Eris, the goddess of discord, came skipping up to me. I took an uneasy step back, my hand subconsciously grabbing the hilt of my sword.

"Can I help you?" I asked uneasily. She broke into a wide grin.

"Caaa-aaan IIIIIIIIIIII heeeeeellllpppppp yooooooooouuuuuuu...?!" She sang, in a rather loud, obnoxious voice. I covered my ears.

"Why are you singing?!" I shouted.

Olympian Truth or DareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ