thank you

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we did it y'all. 70 chapters

(i'm so tired ahH)

last author's note in here, i promise! it's not mandatory to read this but this is just a thank you for every



one of you.

thank you for clicking/tapping on this story when you were scrolling around on this app.
i don't care if you've been here since chapter one or just even gave it a shred of consideration, but if you see this, i appreciate you and i thank you because i worked very hard on this.

thank you all so friggen much for your patience too. seriously. coming from the most impatient person on the planet you are all role models.

there have been times where i've said to myself before posting a chapter, "this is it. this is the worst fuckin chapter."

and maybe it was, and maybe it wasn't. but whether or not y'all even tolerated it, there's no doubt i had fun writing it.

i definitely had a lot of fun writing this, and i truly hope you had fun reading.

i also hope that whatever you write (or draw, paint, play, whatever~) that you have fun with it as well.

i appreciate every comment you leave, and the votes you give.
but the amount of votes or comments or reads shouldn't matter. what matters is that what you love what you're doing.

once again, thank you guys for sticking with me since chapter one :,)

so... until next time!

hope you enjoyed ~Weird~ :)

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now