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Life went on afterward, and it wasn't waiting for anyone. I was no exception. People in our group had already started for college, and I eventually had to pack my own boxes.

When we moved into this house, I wanted Zoe's room because I thought it was bigger and it had a cooler closet. Now that my own room was completely bare with nothing but an empty dresser and a bed, I finally saw that I was the lucky one when it came to the layout.

"Don't expect this to be the same once you come back." Zoe's voice startled me as I turned to go, slinging a backpack over my shoulder.

I scoffed. "What, are you going to turn this whole thing into a recording studio?" I motioned to the room as she nodded. I knew she was thinking about it the moment I started tearing my posters down.
"Just don't repaint the walls."

"That's the very first thing I'm gonna do." My sister chuckled while walking past me. I rolled my eyes, but at the same time, I couldn't care less.

I stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge. I knew that Zoe would be pissed since I grabbed one of the last cans. It seemed to be a common pattern of me taking the last of everything. As hilarious as it is, she's not gonna have to deal with it anymore.

My dad shut the trunk of the car once I got outside. "You didn't forget anything, did you?"

I shook my head.

His eyes landed on the drink in my hand. "If that spills, I will not hesitate to make you stay outside of campus and clean up."

You wouldn't fucking dare...

"Yea, okay, got it." My other hand went up in a surrendering motion. It was tempting to clench my jaw.

Right before I reached to open the car door, my mom came running out of the house, hands full with a camera and her phone.

I didn't think about this part in the college moving process, but I really should have so I wouldn't have to dread it as much.

"Wait! Before we leave-" She panted while switching the camera on.

"Oh god," I muttered.

"Just one Connor, come on now!"

It wasn't just one. I was annoyed as all hell, but I would've felt bad wiping the proud smile on Cynthia's face like it was nothing. I also noticed how after she egged on Zoe to be in one of them, she stood just a little bit closer.

The car engine started and from the inside, I observed my window before we drove off. It looked kinda odd without the smoke dancing outside to the blaring music. Incomplete, almost.

I let myself drift off to sleep on the way. The AUX was left untouched since Zoe had her headphones, and God forbid my parents hear what's on my playlist.

By the time we got there, Cynthia had stopped gushing over our pictures. They were probably heavily filtered on her facebook page. She turned to me from the passenger seat with a sad and proud smile. "Connor, we're here."

"I know," I sighed, getting the door open and stepping out. There was also a lot of people pulling up in cars with stuff of their own, being assisted by volunteers and other students.

I admit, it was hard trying to get most of my stuff in without the revelry of crowds ringing in my ears. Especially on moving day.

We finished, though. I met up with my family in front of their car. It's hard to get used to the looks they gave me because they were full of emotion other than... I dunno, disappointment? At least that's what I've always thought of it as. If they knew what I was thinking, they would've all denied it.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now