"What part of go to sleep do you not understand?" Lucas snapped.

"You're laptop is fucking distracting and as much as it sounds weird coming from me, I'm not exactly a fan of hospitals." He tsked, shutting his laptop. Then he stands from the couch, fixes his button down shirt and started walking towards me. The side of the bed dips low as he sits.

"Fine," he sighs, tightening his jaw. "What the hell do you want?"

"I want a lot of things," I said. "My memories, for instance."

"You'll have them, Mari. Patience."

I rolled my eyes. "I dreamt of Freddy."

"Oh yeah?"

"He was chasing me and I was running away like I was actually...scared." I frowned, wondering why in this dream—or this memory—I was afraid. Not wanting to be boastful and all, but I don't run away from a fight. If I die, I die. I don't back down.

"Maybe you were," Lucas said. "I would be if I were in your shoes."

"But I don't—"

"Get scared? Yeah," he scoffed like I just told a joke and he was the only one who found it hilarious. "I thought that as well. But when I found you lying on the floor swimming in your blood, I was fucking horrified. I'm sure if you have you're memory back, you'll know why you were running away."

"You were scared?" I whispered. Something inside me twitched when Lucas implied that he was scared and worried about me.

"Fuck yeah," he nodded. "How would I explain to your father and the rest of the world that Caterina Mari Santelli is found dead in the middle of a ceasefire concerning Lucas De Marchi?" The thing that grew in my gut deflated like a balloon popped by a needle. Foolish Caty to think that Lucas really cares about you.

I didn't answer him, instead I tried to close my eyes again know that in no time, sleep would return.

"Get a fucking room and rest Lucas," I ordered wearily. I hear him chuckled.

"Sure, Mari. Sure." Then I felt the bed move and his warmth suddenly disappeared. Peaking through my lashes, I saw him plump up a throw pillow and he lies on the couch, one arm over his forehead. Then his eyes slowly shut. So does mine.


I take a few hours of shuteye before I jolted out of bed from a dream where Mari dies in my arms. It was only four in the morning, the sun was barely rising and the room was still dim except for the lights lining the door, a sign that the hospital was buzzing again.

Mari was still asleep on her bed, hand tucked under her chin, lips slightly gaping I almost want to kiss them. My dick twitches a little.

I rose from my position, sitting up on the couch I've slept on for two days. No way in hell will I get a fucking room and leave Mari alone. She's already freaking out with her temporary memory loss and the least that she needs is to be by herself. And although her words last night about doing work didn't agree with my ears especially with her condition, I think it would be a great distraction and perhaps the normality of it would help her regain a few of her memories.

Gathering my uncaffeinated body, I walked towards the small table at the end of the couch where my sanitations rested. I grabbed the toothbrush and put a liberal amount of toothpaste. I bring it in my mouth, brushing my teeth. As I do, I take my phone with my free hand and dig into my pocket for my phone.

Two messages from my mother and a message from Jack, my driver saying that he'll be bringing my change of clothes before breakfast. I almost wanted to slap myself for forgetting to check up on Harriet since she had her therapy. I made a mental note to call her at lunch.

The thought of Harriet being in therapy shifted my thoughts to Mari. Sigmund said that she should see a therapist for the aftermath of her experience but knowing Mari, she's not into opening up with people she doesn't know or trust.

After I brushed my teeth and straighten my shirt with my hands, I my keys on the table and departed the room to get coffee. Never in my wildest dream have envision that I'd be getting breakfast for Mari like this. But desperate times calls for desperate measures.

I spot the blonde nurse who helped Mari the other day and I call her.

"Good morning, Mr. De Marchi," she perked, her eyes, although filled with the will to serve looked tired. I can tell that she was taking the nightshift and still hasn't rested. "How can I help you?"

I greeted her. "I'm getting breakfast," I said. "Make sure no one comes in except for Sigmund and a man named Chase Clifford. If anyone gets in who aren't the two I just said, call security immediately." By now I know that the hospital knew how exclusive Mari is, which meant the security are tighter, the nurses are more alert and the service is more efficient. There is no reason for this blonde nurse to freak out over my instructions.

"Yes, Mr. De Marchi," the nurse nodded and walked over to the desk across from Mari's private room.

I take the elevator down the hall. Pressing a button, I waited. The hospital is still deserted, in some parts, the lights are still off. It looked like the building was from a cliché horror movie I always hated. So preconscious. By the time I get on the ground floor, I was already wearing my shades, not because of the sun (there is no sun), but the blinding flashes of camera and the loud shouts of paparazzi holding their phones and microphones. I can see them through the glass walls of the hospital. But they were no match for the big men in dark shirts, muscled hands crossed over their chest and unfazed by the chaos of the crowd. I readied myself. I've been used to dealing with the press but I've never seen them this aggressive and craving for information.

I push the door open and the chill of the morning grazed through my skin. And like I fucking expected, the chaos increased.

"Mr. De Marchi! Walk us through what happened?"

"How were you and Ms. Santelli involved in a shoot out?"

"Mr. De Marchi! Is it true that your sister was a part of this kidnapping?"

"Was it really a petty kidnapping or was it ransom?"

I ignore their questions, walking straight to my car as a huge man followed suit behind me. When the doors shut and I've turned on the engine, I dashed without giving a shit that they would be literally eating my dust. They deserve it.

Love and Lust (The Hamartia Trilogy Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now