Letter Number One

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Selena!"

"Anytime Elle! Oh, and guess what!"


"You remember that one person you guys thought liked me?"

"That Joeal person? Yeah, why?"

"Well, I saw him at work today, and now we have a date for Friday!"

"Really?! You're so lucky Selena."

"I can't wait! Oh, and are you guys excited about the assignment Ms. Donavan gave us?"

"I know Tay is, I am looking forward to failing it as you both know that I cannot write a letter."

"Don't say that Elle! I can help you! And I'm pretty sure Selena will too."

"Thanks Taylor. So, Selena, sit down and tell us about what happened at work. As I don't have a job and Taylor is still looking for one."

"Okay, just let me get changed into something more comfortable and then I'll come back out and tell you guys all about my day. Sound good?"

"Yes! Hurry back!"

I smiled at my two best friends who were just as dotty as I was. I focused back on my paper and thought about what to write. I wrote the date of tomorrow in the top right-hand corner and on the next line down I wrote "Dear Whoever Is Reading This,". I didn't know what to write because I didn't know who was going to receive my letter. I sighed and took a drink of my coffee that Selena had brought us. I looked toward our bedroom door and Selena was just coming out wearing a pair of denim short shorts and a red and white striped shirt.



"Come watch with me! And your coffee is getting cold."

"Okay, what's on?"

"I don't know. I've been watching commercials the whole time it took you to change."

"Do we have Mean Girls?"

"Yeah, I'll put it on."

I watched Elle get the movie and put it in our DVD player. I got up from my spot by the window and sat on the floor in front of the telly. Selena passed all of the previews and went to the main menu to push play. As soon as Selena had pushed play, I got up to get a snack and my pillow. Once I came back, I found Elle sitting on Selena's lap eating popcorn with her coffee.

"Are you comfortable now?"

"Yes, Selly is very comfortable, and soft."

"Do you like the taste of your coffee and the popcorn together?"

"It's okay, could be better."

"You're so weird sometimes Elley."

"You are too, but you can get really out of hand."

"I know. Shhh, the movie's starting!"

I sat back down in my seat on the floor and stared at the television. It was 16°C, but I was cold, as Selena never let us turn the heat on, unless it was in the winter. I grabbed the nearest blanket and covered myself up, and took a sip of my warm coffee. Once the movie was over, I went back to my letter, even though it was 5:30 P.M.. I started thinking about what I should write to the address, and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get any letters back. Just as I was about to start writing my letter, Selena and Elle came out of the bedroom arguing over who looked like who.

"Tay, doesn't Selena look like Avril Lavigne?"

"I do not! Tell Elle, that I don't!"

"Well, Selena, you sort of look like her, and Elle, you remind me of that one girl from the movie Nancy Drew...what was her name again?"

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