Ep.10:And The Beast...

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Symbols to know~this is how I write my stories

Character Name: = That character's dialogue

[Exposition]-I use this for transitions or to explain events

*Action/Emotion*=Sometimes will be used to convey a character's action or how they feel

Bold=for Dramatic emphasis

<Italics>=for Inner thought Dialogue


[Opening up we are greeted by the entrance sign of an unnamed zoo...Following someone from a 1st person perspective as they walk through the zoo...There were no exhibits inside instead all the animals were locked in steel cages and they were in a frenzy...Screaming, howling, thrashing around, they were wailing. Truly afraid of something unseen. But even so, every animal on Earth was present and they were out in the open...All except one that lied far in the back hidden inside a dark gray cave...The person continues to the back as a loud gunshot is heard and the figure begins to run. They stop at a large cage shrouded in the darkness...This cage was bigger than even the largest animal on Earth and it was covered in thick green smoke that floated across the ground and darkness...The figure raises a mulatto hand up to the cage detaching one of the seven different locks throwing it to the ground...Each lock was years apart in age with the first lock being old and rusty while the last was brand new...The one removed was the 4th and upon its removal, everything grows silent the sudden *CLING!* noise of the lock hitting the floor boomed like louder than a train wreck.  The harsh yet heavy breathing of a small young boy could be heard as the silence was replaced by distant murmurs of a male and female plus the sounds of rushing water. But everything shut up when the growls of a creature unknown began to rise pushing all other noises far into the background.]

Boy:*Heavy breathing*.....

???: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Suddenly two white yes appear from the smoke at first small and distant but as the creature comes closer those pure white eyes grow in size and their light seem to trap the Boy like a deer in headlights...The growls increase in  volume surrounding the boy...A sharp green fur tail sways back and forth now visible before the long black claws of this monster wrap around the bars and begins pulling them apart!

Both:*Heavy breathing*.....

Once the bars are open the creature swipes out and pulls the boy in opening its grand and horrible jaws to consume him. All the boy could do was scream...


[Garfield drops his fork and plate, snapping back to reality...The Titans look at him a bit concerned.]

Kori: Are you okay friend?

Garfield: Me...Oh yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night hehe.

Rachel: Probably spent all night playing that new game no doubt.

Garfield: Hey J.C.P.D. cashed us a check for the return of Moth and Fang why would I say no to free money.

Dick: Heroes don't save people to get paid.

Garfield: Yeah I know that but we don't exactly live off nothin' ya know...Food costs, electric bill...Hell, this tower cost S.T.A.R. Labs several resources Cy is amazing but his superpower ain't creation.

Victor:...You can't say he doesn't have a point.

Dick: Yeah he does...You know what I'll give you that good point Gar. Just don't let money be a driving factor 'kay.

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