"Great walk away like usual." He mumbles as I'm close to the door he knows I can hear him, he thinks I'm going to turn and say something equally as rude back, but I'm done with this drama for good. I'm halfway out the door when Magnus grabs my arm, "wait I didn't think you'd leave if there's one thing you don't walk away from it's an argument." He says as if reminiscing a distant memory.

I pull my arm out of his grip and continue to walk away, but then Magnus tackles me, the bitch tackles me in the middle of a busy sidewalk, luckily no one was there at the time.

"Umm excuse me, get off of me!" I yell trying to shove him off me, he's not budging, damn I should do more weight training.

"No I'm not letting you walk away again, not until we sort this out!" He says, "why just so you can be a dick to me some more!" I yell still trying push him off.

"Oh really I'm the one who's the dick, you're the one who runs away from all your problems hell you just did!" He yells spitefully.

"Oh fuck you!" I scream, "get off!" I yell again as I struggle to get out from under him. "No, not until we talk this out." He says taking the bitter tone out of his voice.

At least he stopped screaming, "here?" I question this utter bullshit. "You know what you're right , this looks pretty weird." He says grinning.

"Yeah now get off me." I say, "okay get up!" He orders, who the fuck does he think he is. I get up and try to get away from him not before he puts me in a shoulder lock. This bitch, I wince in pain, "Hey this is kidnapping!" I scream,

"Well, maybe you'll come see me in prison." He says laughing. "Oh wait never mind!" He says with a fake laugh. What the fuck?! I drove Magnus Bane to insanity. Welp the least I could do is talk this out.

"Okay I'll talk this out just please let go this hurts!" I whine. "No you'll run away!" He says, "Magnus I promise I won't!" I whine some more and more and more til he finally lets go. I think about booking it but I decide that wasn't a great idea seeing as he'd probably come after me and I'd get tackled again, but that didn't stop me from glaring at him. He just smiled I return keeping a firm grip on my bicep.

Finally we get to our destination which I assume is Magnus's flat. I assumed correct as he tells me where we are. The elevator was awkward and as soon as the door opens I'm in awe the elevator goes into his flat that's fucking cool considering my elevator in my apartment complex smells like hot dogs.

"Close your mouth you might catch a fly in it!" Magnus mocks, "Magnus baby you're back!" A blonde stick screams in a high pitched voice.

"Where's my coffee?" She asks disappointed. I struggle not to tell this girl to shut the fuck up, damn her voice makes me want to jump of the Brooklyn bridge. Magnus points to my shirt now stained from the coffee.

"Who is he?" She asks in a disgusted tone. She's about to get bitch slapped I give Magnus a look and gesture him.

"This is Alexander , Camille. Could you give us a minute alone?" Magnus tells her which was just telling her to politely fuck off, love that.

Camille stomps our of the place Magnus is not getting laid for a while. I laugh, "how?" I say through a laugh. "What?!" Magnus asks confused.

"How do you fuck that?" I say still laughing. "Shut the fuck up Alec!" He says hitting my chest. I laugh even harder, "oh have I hit a nerve?" I say mockingly and giggling.

"Sit down, and shut up." He orders gesturing to his couch that I'm afraid to sit on after seeing that hooker of a girl Magnus has probably fucked on that couch. "What?" Magnus ask at my hesitation. I give him a look, "I'm not sitting on that." I say.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold like Alec Lightwoods' Heart(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now