Part 10- ''Oh, I was just twapin' him.''

Start from the beginning

''You don't have to go back to the hotel." I whispered. "I don't?" He smiled, raising his eyebrow slowly. "No." I shook my head "You can stay with me." A soft chuckled escaped from Nathan's lips.

"Remember, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right." Nathan spoke seriously, not taking his eyes away from mine. "I have no idea what that means." I pouted, Nathan kissed my forehead laughing quietly to himself. "Never mind." Taking my hand in his, he smiled broadly "Tea?"

"Shouldn't I be offering you, seeing as this is my flat?" I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. "Yeah, you should!" He laughed. "Go on, milk, two sugars." He smiled cheekily, following me into the kitchen.

Nathan and I spent the night in the living room, learning things about each other we'd never previously been bothered about. I told Nathan about how I'd decided to stick to dancing and he told me about all the things that band had done, including a number one single. I was filled with happiness as I watched him go into detail over everything they'd done, a genuine look of happiness across his face making me go funny inside.

Around one in the morning, I found myself becoming sleepy. Trying not to make it obvious that I was tired, but Nathan noticed and pulled me into his chest. he stopped talking letting the conversation fade whilst he played with my hair, my eyes began to drop and he pulled the spare blanket we had off the top of the sofa and wrapped it over us both repositioned himself underneath me, so that I could sleep.


"Nessa? It's nearly four, you should get up." Emma's voice came from beside my ear, opening my eyes slowly, I looked over to see her leaning over me smiling sympathetically. "Why the face?" I yawned, waving my finger around lazily. "The boys have gone." She frowned, sitting down on the floor. "What?" I jolted upwards on the sofa, realising that Nathan wasn't there.

Emma handed me a folder piece of paper that was on the table. "Tea?" She offered, standing up. "Please." I sighed, opening up the piece of paper.

'Morning babe, thanks for an amazing nice it was great to catch up with you, I really missed you! I've gone back to London and I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up, but you looked so peaceful and I didn't think it would be worth it...I'll see you soon okay? Nath.xx'

"Oh my god that is so cute!" Emma exclaimed from over my shoulder, making me jump. "Shit Emma!" I exclaimed. "Sorry." She laughed handing me my tea, taking it from her I placed it on the table and grabbed my phone. Dialling Nathan's number, I let it ring.

"Nesssaaaaaa, s'appenin chick?" Max answered from the other end. "Alright George?" I chuckled and Emma snapped her head up from the magazine she was reading, glaring at me. "Why have you got Nathan's phone?" "Oh, I was just twapin' him." Max replied as if it was a casual thing to do.

"Right, any chance you can put him on?" "And what's wrong with me?" Max gasped sounding genuinely offended. "Nothing is wrong with you Max, I'd just like to speak to Nathan." I justified. "One minute then." Max laughed. "Nathan? Where's Nathan- look at all the fucking shit on the stairs, whoever's crap this is can you box it before I break my neck?!" Max shouted. "Sorry Nessa, we're moving out, it's a mad house!" Max spoke down the phone again.

"Why are you moving?" I laughed. "Fans found our house, we've got some nice little flats though- hold on." There was a shuffling noise "Tom, mate have you seen Nath?" "Yeah he's helping Harley pack up the spare room." Tom's voice travelled down the line.

"Nathan!" Max shouted once again. "Yeaah?!" I heard Nathans voice call. "Phone mate." There was another shuffling noise, and then Nathan spoke.

"Hello?" "You should have woke me." I told him. "You looked too peaceful to wake." He replied. "I don't believe that for once second." I laughed. "Fine then, I didn't want to face moody Nessie in the morning." Nathan replied, chuckling to himself. "That sounds more legitimate." I nodded my head "Max said you're moving, why?" I asked, confused seeing as Max didn't answer me before.

"Fans, they found out where we live." He replied. "That house holds so many memories though." I sighed. "Somethings we have to learn to let go of." Nathan spoke, no emotion in his voice what so ever "And lets face it, some proper grim things also happened in this house." My mind flashed back to the day Jay had found out. Nathan's beaten face flashed in my mind causing me to shiver. "But anyway, these new flats are great, Bird, Tom and Max are sharing and I've been lumbered with Siva, which means we have a spare room..." Nathan trailed off.

"What are you suggesting?" I laughed, pulling my legs up onto the chair.

Emma waved over to me to get my attention, 'What?' I mouthed over towards her, 'What are you on about?' She mouthed back, 'Spare rooms?' I shrugged, she nodded her head, shrugged and continued to read her magazine.

"You can come down, stay for a bit if you like? It'd be nice to have you around again!" "I dunno Nath." I sighed. "Nothing like that!" Nathan justified. "Just as a friend, to see the boys, we've got the next week off, hence why we're moving now, it'd be nice you know.." He trailed off once again. "And you can bring Emma to shut Max up if you want!" I made a mental note then to ask Emma how everything went with Max.

"I'll ask Emma." Looking over towards her, she was already staring at me with one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Fancy going down to London for a bit?" I asked holding my phone to my chest. "Sure." She shrugged "When though?"

"When?" I asked Nathan down the phone. "We move in tonight, so come Monday?" He asked. "That's tomorrow Nathan?" "Yes." He replied as if I'd just told him the sky was blue.

"Tomorrow?" I asked Emma. "We'll need to be back for Saturday, dancing, but sure." She replied, a smile growing on her face.

"See you Monday." I laughed down the phone to Nathan. "Looking forwards to it!" Nathan spoke, a clear smile in his voice. I laughed again and put the phone down, Emma also put her magazine down on the table and turned to look at me fully.

"You weren't even reading that." I laughed, picking up my tea. "I so was!" Emma defended herself. "Earwigger." I smirked. "So, what did Max say?" she asked casually, I took a sip of my tea and turned to look at her. "You are unbelievable." "Alright, maybe I was listening, but it was Max and Nathan, you haven't even said anything about what happened last night!" She fought back, getting her guard up.

"Alright, don't eat me!" I exclaimed. "Max was just twaping Nathan, that's why he answered and then he told me they were moving, that's all, now are you going to tell my why you're so bothered, did last night not go right or?" I asked seriously.

"Last night went amazing." Emma breathed. "It's just he said he was going to ring me when they were home, which they are, and he hasn't!" She threw her head back dramatically and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. "Maybe he meant when they get to the new flat? They sound kinda busy." I smiled trying to reassure her.

"Oh yeah." Emma chuckled, her cheeks blushing slightly. "Okay, so I over reacted.." She smirked "But you and Nathan, what even is that?" "We're friends." I smiled, picking up the magazine Emma was previously 'reading' to avoid the conversation.

"And have you?" She smirked, pulling the magazine away. "No!" I gasped. "He keeps going on about doing it properly, I told you this yesterday!" I laughed. "What a gentlemen!" She mocked, putting her hand over her forehead, pretending to swoon.

I stuck my finger up at her and picked up the magazine again.

*Part 10 guysss!

Hope liked it!:D

Please comment/ vote/ fan please! I appreciate it all!:)

So I would have waited a little bit before posting this but I was forced by Emma (person this is dedicated to;)) Just because she's amazing and beautiful and deserves it!:)

Just ask if you want me to read any of your fanfics and I will, promise:) Oh and if you want a dedication, ask too! I already have a few people in mind!:)

A joke?

What did the grape say when I trod on it?

Nothing, it just gave out a little wine...

Thank you Max for teaching me that one;)

Thanks for reading!

Love, Lizzie. x*

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