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You leaned in on the desk, scrolling through your phone as you occasionally looked up to see if anyone had entered the store.

No one ever did.

The sun was starting to set outside, the deep orange shades reaching the floor inside the little gas station, casting shadows through the space. You hum along to the radio, keeping you company in the last two hours of your shift.

Soon you've saved up enough money to move away from home, getting your own place. Nothing much, but becoming independent is a life-goal of yours, and the fact that you're soon reaching it puts a small smile on your face that rarely does so any longer.

Your thumb suddenly stops it's scrolling, your entire body freezing as a chill runs down your spine.


Your lips part in confusion, a furrow erupting between your delicate brows.

A sudden sting strikes your heart, the nagging feeling of receiving his complete ignorance.

Why didn't he reach out to you?

You roll your lips together, still focused on the headline, announcing Jimin's return to Busan. Another feeling starts striking in.

Every unspoken word between Jimin and you only adding fuel to the fire that started burning inside of you. Every ignored call, every seen text, every forgotten birthday — was like gasoline to the fire, making your jaw root.

What the hell did you do to make him ignore you like this?

You swallowed the anger and took a sip of the cold berry lemonade next to you, trying to cool you down. Still, the burning in your belly wouldn't go away completely, and you lead your fingers to your temples, massaging them gently.

You open your eyes at the door ringing, a customer finally coming inside the boring store.

You straighten up and flash a smile, a boy your age nearing the counter. He smiles back, cute dimples showing as he does so.

"Hi." He greets, clearing his throat before replacing the cap that's capturing his colored dark-red locks on the top of his head.

"Hi. Welcome!" You say enthusiastically, making him chuckle, as he looks around the store before his eyes fall on you once more.

"Not many customers, huh?"

His eyes are a dark hazel-brown color, framed in by strong dark brows. His face is symmetrical, his ears peaking out a little.

It looks cute.

His skin is glimmering in the late-night sun, his arms almost fully covered with various tattoos, the interesting black ink making you stare a little too long.

You shake your head, trying to focus once more.

"Not many like you." You say, surprised in your own confidence.

His mouth curves up, his brows lifting a tiny bit. He nods, grabbing the back of his neck with his hand as he chuckles, his brown eyes glistening.

"I'm Kim Mioo."

"Hi Kim Mioo." You smile.

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