Chapter 49

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It was time to have fun. I heard a maniacal laugh inside my head, then my own dark chuckle as I headed down the sidewalk in the dark. 

                                                                                       Y/N POV

 "Where's Colby?" I asked Sam, as he walked back up to our booth. His face was full of concern and a little anger. He shook his head and sat down next to me. "He just went to the bathroom and to get another drink." I felt like he wasn't telling me the truth. Colby had gotten upset when I said that I didn't want to dance right now but I didn't understand why. "Oookay." I replied. I sat there for a minute, but I couldn't take it. I had to go talk to Colby and see what was wrong. "Can you let me up? I wanna go find him. I need to talk to him." "No," He said quickly, standing back up. "I'll go find him." I sat back in the booth and watched him walk away, disappearing into the crowd of people. "I'm sure he's fine y/n. Sam will make sure of it." Kat said, placing her hand on top of mine.  I nodded but the uneasy feeling wouldn't go away. Something wasn't right. I slid out of the booth and stood up, looking at the group. "I'm gonna go find them." Not waiting for a reply, I followed the same path as Sam, pushing my way through the crowd. I saw Sam's pink hat in front of me after a moment, so I made my way towards him. Then my heart sank to the ground and shattered at my feet. "Co-Colby?" I said, not wanting to believe that it was him. He had a beautiful blonde girl, pushed up against him, kissing her neck. Sam looked back and saw me, then charge up to Colby, yanking him away. I saw Colby swing on him, but Sam blocked it. They argued but I could only stare at Colby. He had a smile on his face, until he saw me. Then his eyes cleared and his face fell. "Y/N, I..." He reached out to me. I couldn't breathe. Turning away from him, I ran straight out the door, going to the car. I sank down beside it on the concrete, my breath coming in short gasps, tears streaming down my face. Why would he do that? I thought we were okay...I thought that he loved me. Colby knew what I had been through with Nick. Nick cheating on me, fully sleeping with someone else, was nothing compared to the pain that I felt from seeing Colby with that girl. The images wouldn't leave my head. My chest physically hurt, so I pressed down on it, to try and relieve the pressure. It didn't help. "Y/N?" I looked up through tear filled eyes to see a blurry image of Kat and Sam walking towards me. "Sam" I cried, meeting his blue gaze. The worry and sadness in his eyes made me cry harder. He reached down and pulled me up off the ground, letting me collapse into his chest. "Wh-whyy would h-he do that to m-me? I wailed, tears staining his jean jacket. He put his hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair. "Sshhh, it's going to be okay." He pulled me away from him, and passed me off to Kat. I buried my face in her hair, hugging her around the waist. She kissed me cheek and whispered, "It's okay. We'll figure out whatever is wrong with him." I pulled away from her, wiping my face. "What do you mean, whatever is wrong with him? He's an asshole. He just made out with some girl, because I didn't want to dance." My heart still hurt but anger was coming in, making it easier to bear. "Exactly," Sam replied, getting his keys out. "Does that seem like something Colby would normally do?" I stared at him for a moment. "N-No." I hiccuped out. My breathing still hadn't returned to normal but it was getting there. "What happened on that trip Sam?!" I yelled. "What happened to Colby?!" He grabbed my upper arm, staring into my eyes. "Calm down. Let's go back to my apartment and I'll tell you what I know." I sniffed, and wiped my eyes again. "Okay...but where's Colby?" Sam looked at Kat, then back to me. "I don't know..." I sucked in a deep breath. "What do you mean, you don't know Sam? Where did he go?" "I don't know Y/N!" He yelled suddenly. I took a step back from him, startled. Sam hardly ever yelled. I noticed that his eyes were getting red and glistening a little. "He...he said that he needed my help...then I looked away from him for 2 seconds, and he was gone...I don't know where he went." He ran his hand through his hair, letting out a long breath. "I called his phone and he isn't answering. He keeps declining the call....Look, let's just go back to my place so we can talk about all of this." I shook my head. "What did he need your help with? Not talking to me, I hope. He can be a man and talk to me himself!" He shook his head in aggravation. "Don't you understand?! That wasn't Colby! There is something wrong with him! Just get in the car Y/N!" He snatched the car door open, and I just looked at him. "Well?" He said motioning to the car seat. "Where are we all gonna sit Sam?" I looked at him expectantly. He drove a two seater Audi. He huffed another breath out. "We're gonna have to make due. You and Kat can squeeze in or sit on each other's lap. I don't care. Just get in the car. We need to figure out what to do and find Colby." His voice was urgent, and his eyes kept darting around, searching. I submitted and got in the car, scooting the seat all the way back and letting Kat sit in between my legs. We got home as quickly as we could and I followed them into Sam's apartment, looking at the door to my own. "What if he's home? What if Colby is already home?" I said, walking over to the couch.

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