Chapter 8

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I smiled slowly. "We all did." I gestured to the other girls. "We're gonna miss you guys and just wanted one amazing day that you can think about while you're gone." His lips turned up a little at the corners, his eyes still staring into mine with a look of wonder. "I don't deserve you." he replied softly, leaning down to kiss me gently, his lips brushing mine. I smiled and blushed, looking down. He didn't know how backwards he had that. We passed out breakfast to the guys, letting them eat their fill. "Okay, time to hike!" Devyn exclaimed, standing up and pulling Corey with her. Corey shook his head dramatically. "Un Uh Devyn. You just filled me up with all of that food and now you want me to hike? I'm gonna need a few minutes, maybe take a quick nap." He sat back down and laid his head on his arms, closing his eyes. "I agree. I'm fat right now. Can't walk." Jake yawned again, laying his head over on Corey's back. Colby laughed, while Sam shook his head, grinning. "Come on, you lazy fuckers." Colby said, smacking Jake in the back of the head. "Ow! That was mean." He said, sitting up, rubbing his head. Corey pushed back in his chair and stood up. "Okay, I was just kidding!" He said smiling widely and tilting his head to the side. "Come on baby, I'm ready to hike!" He grabbed Devyn up, swinging her into his arms, while she shrieked. We all stood up and followed them out. Me, Colby, Sam, and Kat got into Colby's car, while Corey, Devyn, Jake, and Tara got into Corey's car. "Just follow us!" I yelled out the window as we passed them. We finally arrived at the trail and parked our cars. Getting out of the car, I surveyed the landscape. The sky was a beautiful, deep blue, reminding me of a certain someone's eyes. The trees were lining the backdrop of the scene, rising high into the sky. I felt the breeze on my skin, and saw the leaves blowing gently. It was just so aesthetically pleasing. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the trees and the moss. The sun was beaming down, but the wind kept it from being too hot. The others pulled up behind us and everyone started down the trail. We took multiple pictures and videos, Snaps, and Insta stories, sharing our adventure with the world. We joked around, played a game of hide and seek, and chased each other. We stopped to take a break, the girls sitting together on a blanket that we had brought. Positioned close to the edge of the cliff, so that we could see the amazing view. The guys were still wrestling around. I looked over to them, and saw Colby jump on Jake's back, almost knocking him over. Corey leaned over in front of Sam. "Come Sam, get on!" Sam attempted to get on his back, but Corey dropped his legs. "Sam! You gotta work with me Sam. Let's do this again." The girls and I started laughing so hard, we were crying. Sam was finally on Corey's back and they played chicken, Sam and Colby trying to push each other off. I thought it was kind of dangerous, and it was probably going to hurt when...yep, Colby lost his grip and fell off Jake's shoulders, bringing him to the ground with him. They hit hard, Jake landing half on top of Colby. "Oh fuck" Colby groaned out. Tara and I jumped up to go check on them. Sam, still on Corey's shoulders, yelled out "You good bro?" "Yep" Colby groaned. "I'm good. Jake?" Jake sat up, rubbing his lower back. "OW! but yeah, I'm good brother." 

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