Chapter 1

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Colby and I had been living together for about a year now. I had finally gotten a divorce from Nick and he was still sitting pretty in prison. The only time that I thought of him was when I saw Sam's scar. That was just to remember how lucky we were. Colby and I got along great most of the time but just like any other couple, we had our ups and downs, our little fights and arguments. Like right now. "Colby, how many times have I asked you to put the toilet seat down?!" I charged into the bedroom, my ass and shirt soaking wet. I had fallen in the toilet. All the way into the toilet, legs in the air. He took one look at me and burst out laughing, putting his hand over his mouth. I was pissed

"Don't you dare laugh at this, Brock! I'm going to have a huge bruise on my ass!" I picked up a shoe off of the floor and threw it at him. "Hey!" He cried, as he knocked the shoe back with his hand. I threw another one. It caught him in the rib cage. "Y/N, damn it, that hurt. Stop throwing shoes at me!" "Stop leaving the toilet seat up!" I yelled back, throwing a water bottle off of the dresser at him. He caught it just before it hit his head. "Stop it!....damn, you're fucking crazy sometimes." This pissed me off even more, so I walked out. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of cold water from the tap. Going back into our room, he was sitting on the bed, bent over tying his shoes. I walked over to him and calmly dumped the glass over his head. "Aahh! What the fuck?!" he stood up, dripping water everywhere. 

His previously perfect hair now hung limp over his eyes, plastered to his head. His perfect shirt that had taken him an hour to decide on this morning was soaked, sticking to his skin. He blew water from his mouth and looked at me incredulously. "What...did you do that for?" He took a step closer to me and I backed up. "It I gotta be wet, then so do you!" I shot back at him. A glint appeared in his eyes. "Bad choice of words." I said, taking another step back as he came forward. He shook his head hard, spraying me with water. "You're gonna get it now." He replied menacingly. I took off running into the living room, screaming "Not if you can't catch me!" I heard him barreling out of the room after me, so I jumped over the chair to the other side of the room. "There is nowhere to run too, y/n. It's an apartment." He said as he calmly walked towards me. "Damn it." I said, staring into his eyes. I tried to make a break for it, but he grabbed me around my waist with one arm, swinging me back towards him. I shrieked, and laughed, as he held me tight. 

I tried to squirm my way out of his grasp but he was too strong for me. "Stop struggling! I won and you know it. Just give up!" "Never" I said, locking my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips to his in a heated kiss. He kissed me back, dominantly, trying to show me that he had indeed won. "It's not over yet" I thought. I waited until I felt his grip on me loosen, then broke away from him. I darted towards the front door, and swung it open, Colby hot on my heels. Brennen and Serena stood on the other side, looks of amusement and confusion on their faces. Colby grabbed me and again, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Aaahhh Colby! PUT-ME-DOWN!" I demanded. He didn't reply to me, instead slapped my ass and greeted Brennen and S. "What's up guys? We're almost ready. Come on in." He stepped back to let them enter. I had given up struggling and was just lying across his shoulder. They walked past, grinning at me. "Having fun y/n?" Brennen asked coyly. "Shut it Brennen." S started laughing and winked at me.

Colby walked over to the couch with them. "Give us a few minutes. We got distracted." He walked back towards our room with Brennen asking, "With sex or arguing?" I replied "arguing," while Colby yelled "both," still walking to the room. He shut and locked the door. "Are you going to put me down? I need to change since my clothes are wet." I asked him, haughtily, still hanging over his shoulder. "Are you gonna chill out....and admit that I won?" "Let me down Colby!" "Not until you say it." 

I started struggling again, trying to free myself, but Colby held me firm. "Say it." he said, laughing. "Oh whatever! You win okay? Fine. You fucking win. Now put me down!" He was still chuckling, but brought me back over his shoulder, letting me slide down his body till my feet hit the floor. He kept his hands on my waist, holding my gaze. "You're such an ass, Colby Brock." I said, smacking his chest lightly. "You love it." He said, kissing the side of my face. "No, I don't. Why can't you just put the toilet seat down?" I whined.

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