Chapter 4

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 I looked down. "Oh" I replied. That meant that we wouldn't get our night together. "Hey" he said, lifting my chin. "It's just you and me tonight. I promise." He kissed me gently and we got up to leave, after paying the bill. It was dark outside by this time. We had spent the entire day, just having fun. The wind was blowing slightly, giving the warm night a much needed breeze. Since we were all tired had a pretty long walk back to Colby's car, we decided to call an Uber to meet us. The ride was quick and quiet. When we arrived at his car, I crawled into the front seat, letting it back just a little to relax. Brennen and Serena got in the back, and of course, Colby was driving. Colby had his phone bluetoothed to the radio so I leaned back and closed my eyes, listening to the music. Colby dropped Brennen and S off at his place, since she was staying with him tonight. "Text me later, ok?" She called out to me, as she walked up the driveway. "I will! Love you babe!" "Love you too!" We started home, and Colby held my hand in a comfortable silence. We finally made it and took the elevator our floor. Stepping out, I saw Jake and Tara saying goodnight, down the hall in front of his door. They saw us and waved. "What's up brother" Colby said, as we neared them. "Have you seen Sam?" Jake nodded. "Yeah, I saw him going into his apartment about 20 minutes ago." Colby looked relieved. "Okay, I'll get up with him later. See ya man! Bye Tara!" We walked on to his door and Colby unlocked it. He opened his door slowly and poked his head inside, keeping the door mostly closed so that I couldn't see inside. "What are you doing?" I asked him, confusion in my voice. He brought his head back out and smiled at me. "You'll see." He brought me to him, putting me in front of him, and opened the door wide. It was beautiful. The entire living room area was set up amazingly. His LED lights were dimly lit on the white blue color, hanging across the ceiling and walls, to look like stars against the night sky. Candles were lit, placed around the room, the silhouette from the flames dancing along the walls. "Colby, OmG!" I breathed out. "What is all this?" He smiled and led me to the living room. "I told you that tonight was about us. I had Sam help me out while we were gone today." "It's so beautiful. It's amazing!" I felt tears coming from my eyes. I was just so overwhelmed with happiness and love. Looking into his eyes, I could see that he was pleased with my reaction. His eyes shone brightly and the candles reflected in them, making them dance. He led me to the balcony where he had pillows and blankets laid out, the twinkle lights wrapped around the balcony bars, and a small bluetooth speaker set to the side. "I thought maybe we could just hang out here for a while and enjoy the city lights." He said, holding his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and he helped me down onto the cushy pillows. 

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