Sephiroth x Reader

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"Can this day get anymore frustrating?"

The director has sent you out yet again into the depths of the caverns in the middle of no where, looking for some missing data that could be used to find Genesis's whereabouts.

The only thing you've managed to find are these disgusting monsters that ooze out some kind of slippery substance and spits at you. Oh and they make that horrid squelch noise if you happen to step on one.

A hand on your shoulder makes you jump, "do be careful where you walk (y/n)."

Turning around and catching an eye full of long sliver hair quickly puts you at ease. The last thing you need is for one of those monsters falling onto your shoulder, or worse your face.

The mere thought makes your skin crawl. "This place is crawling with nasties."

"That makes it a perfect place to hide valuable information" Sephiroth says tapping the side of your head.

"Well I sure hope that we find something useful in here or else all this was for nothing."


Before you have time to even process what was underneath your boot, your body instinctively reacted in flight and gets behind Sephiroth.

"Ohh that's so gross!"

Sephiroth quickly takes care of the monster with a simple swipe of his masamune. He chuckles and turns his attention to you.

"It's not so bad, after all I get to be your hero."

Blush quickly finds a way onto your face. "You're everyone's hero, you know."

You take a seat on top of an old crate. It's been a few hours since you started rummaging this place and neither of you have found anything really worth bringing back to the company.

"I'm not everyone's hero, Angeal and Genesis have quite the following" he says smirking.

"Well yeah, but have you ever met any of your fan girls? They're absolutely crazy for you." You flip open your phone going into your email.

"I've ran into a few on the occasion."

"You have an official fan cub dedicated to you. Some people write the craziest things about you. Here take a look."

Handing over your phone you watch his face to see his reactions. Surly the one about having his baby will shock him.

"You're a member?"

Shit. You completely forgot to delete the email that thanked you for becoming a member.

"Umm I just like to see what people say is all. I find it kind of amusing."

Sephiroth walks closer and smiles at you. That damn smile gets you every time. "It says your one of the top members..."

"Give me that!"

You snatch your phone and close it shut, putting it away. That's enough embarrassment for the day.

Sephiroth stands closer to you, brushing your hair back behind your ear.

Your eyes follow his hand and he trails back to your face. "Flustered is a good look on you..."

A smile is brought to your face "but I prefer this one."

Sephiroth leans down and places a gentle and warm kiss to your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut and you place your hand on his face.

He pulls back briefly and your eyes meet. You can feel where his lips were just moments ago  and glance back at his and back to his eyes.

You lean back in and this kiss is more needed. Sephiroth grabs your waist while you grab his hair.

Never would you have imagined you'd be kissing him in some cavern but here you are doing just that.

The kiss was over before you'd like it to be. He places one last loving kiss to your forehead and rest his against yours.

- END -

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