Jade: also this place looks horrible and where's my bed?

Ruby: we may have...uh, used it to make the bunk beds.

He just sighs and walks over to Yang.

Jade: what time do we have class?

Ruby: hmm, 9:00.

Weiss: did you say 9:00?!

Ruby: yes?

Weiss: it's 8:55, you dunce!

They look around to see the door open and jade gone. Weiss left soon after him.

Weiss: why are you so fast?!

Jade: this isn't even my full speed! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

He starts running and screaming leaving everyone in the dust and makes it to class in under 30 seconds. He runs over and jumps into his seat.

Jade: easy.

(Author: yeah, so apparently captain America can run over 62 mph running to class is literally easy as pie for Jade since Spider-Man is probably stronger than him? Maybe? I don't really remember right now...but spider-man did knock out a t-Rex once!)

After a minute team, RWBY and JNPR run through the door.

Weiss: how fast are you!?

Jade: fast.

Weiss: that doesn't answer my question?!


Jade just sleeps through the lecture. He wakes for a split second and sees professor port wink at yang. His left blade pops out and he points it at him.

Jade: aye! That ain't it. Don't do that again.

Yang: thanks.

His blade retracts and he lays back down.


Weiss smacks jade awake.

Jade: pancakes?

Weiss: what? No, you idiot! The teacher just called on you.

Jade: for what?

Weiss: just get up there.

She gets him out of his seat and pushes him down to the middle of the floor.

Jade: what do you want?

Port: well, since you wanted to be smart and sleep in class...how about you fight this Grimm?

Jade: yup, yup let's get it.

Port: fine.

He chops the lock off the cage and a boarbatusk charged at jade. He catches it by the horns and he slides back a bit.

Ruby: you can do it!

Yang: yeah! Kick it's butt Jade!

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