Though, there is still cure to this curse. It can still be tended well to eliminate the waste. Since JiDan is not the normal dragon, his heart's defense is originally very strong. Even if the demons invaded it, he has the power to chase them out. It is like the anti-virus software that kicks in the moment one feels like being infiltrated.

However, instead of cleansing his heart, JiDan fell to desperation. He was caught in the trap of the dark side rendering him helpless. The fear lingered to his body, noisily ringing his ears the truth of reality. Lang Yuan is here now, but will he remain on his side forever? If ever he will be given a ticket to return to whatever world he belong, will Lang Yuan still choose him?

He is afraid.

JiDan is afraid.

What would be the sense of becoming stronger if the person that he is trying to protect is gone? What is the purpose of life if the person who gave him his life is gone? Why is the meaning of his existence? Why is he born just to feel fear like this?

[Will he really... leave me?]

JiDan wanted to ask Lang Yuan but he is scared to know the answer. While JiDan is lovingly looking over the Lang Yuan, a speck of black dust suddenly appeared beside him. The speck of dust concentrated to create a form, generating an image that everyone is familiar. Actually, this person is the one the emperor and the former general is chasing, yet he is here standing beside JiDan.

Though, JiDan give no reactions to his arrival. Instead, he focused his attention to Lang Yuan. It is only after some time that the little dragon had enough. Taking a last glimpse, JiDan kissed his mother's forehead while saying his graces. When he finished, his rose complexion suddenly became pale as he carried the frail body up in one move.

The stranger that was ignored is one other than the black masked man impostor. Though, his face is not covered by the mask, completely showing a straight imposing face. He has thick sword like brows that expressed his wickedness combined with a thin pale lips. The impostor smirked as he looked at the pair of mother and son.

The cold face of JiDan evidently showed his displeasure as he clutched his mother's body tightly. He knows what kind of situation he is now. Even though he joined forces to this person to perform a crime, it doesn't mean that they are a team. The stranger could still oust him and continue the task without a problem. That's why he's not giving Lang Yuan. He has no plans in doing it.

The black masked man just smirked. Fine, he won't take that person but it doesn't mean that he will never get him in the future. Since the child has still some unfinished works, he can't just kill him in one strike. In addition, JiDan has been cautious around him. He was able to manipulate JiDan but only a portion. JiDan is still sane enough to keep his distance.

He let the child do the carrying. Now, his attention is focused to the other person lying to the ground. Zhong Song was stabbed by JiDan earlier. He is still bleeding though the person is still alive. The black masked man smiled in amusement as he crouched beside the body. Zhong Song's state highly resembles a dead body; the only difference is his chest that is still moving.

"Dragons were not real in our world. They are just fantasy, created from the minds of the old folk. They are just figures represent a calamity, a celebration, and a miracle. But they are not real."

The black masked man muttered those words as he looks at JiDan. The younger dragon has no qualms about what nonsense this person is speaking. Most of the time, from the first they met, this person started talking about 'this world' and 'our world' as if specifying that he is from the other world. And Lang Yuan, who is also part of that world, will never be an existence of this world.

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