Failing Grade

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"Since you clearly finished your test I have a question for you ..." The deeper version of Naruto's voice said from the fire as the flames dissipated revealing a monstrous creature with fiery red eyes. "What am I?"


Minato barely noticed the other vampires racing alongside him. Only one thing was on all their minds and that was the hellhound they were each in love with. The smell of smoke came to their noses and hey moved even faster than before with Minato and Tobirama taking the lead. Once the old schoolhouse came into view they knew something was off. Smoke was wafting out through an open window and the flickers of gold flames could be seen. It was a worrying sight for anyone to see so they wasted no time in throwing the doors open and racing inside.

The sight of a beast straight out of the depths of hell commanded their full attention before all else. This powerfully built, yet lean, beast stood on four legs and reached a height of 5 feet at the shoulder with a hot, almost spicy scent mixed with brimstone. It was covered in sleek black fur and its spine was raised giving it an appearance reminiscent to a hyena though it looked more like a demonized wolf. Every few inches or so there would be a glowing and smoldering red fleck or vein seen in the fur as if fiery embers were trapped in the fur, but they weren't falling out so perhaps the embers were part of the skin under the fur. All of these traits were not the most unnerving though and neither were the deadly black claws, the ghoulish fiery eyes or the sharp white teeth. No, the most frightening trait was its throat. As it opened mouth there was a glow in the back of the throat as if there was a fire in its throat. That eerie glow extended into the chest where the glow made it possible to see the creature's ribs through the fur.

Terrifying? To most, yes ... the Akatsuki members were definitely scared. They were sprawled out on the floor trying to back away slowly.

Were the vampires scared? No ... they knew who the hellish hound was.

"Naruto, you're ok!" Minato exclaimed and hugged the creature. Unfortunately, it was enough to cause a slightly pained canine whimper. "I'm sorry! Are you hurt?"

Without even moving his mouth Naruto responded clearly in a voice that was a bit deeper than his normal voice, "I'll be alright ... it seems Nagato was under the impression that the only way to get the deed to the Uzumaki mansion was through a friendly interaction with the crooks who originally stole it. Of course, he assumed I was their ally-"

"SO THEY FUCKING SHOT YOU?!" Hashirama snapped angrily when he smelled the blood and spotted the bullets on the floor. Even though the bullets were a little melted it was easy to put two and two together. Hashirama glared harshly at the Akatsuki members as Hiruzen, Minato and Tobirama moved close to the hellhound to pet the surprisingly soft fur and look for the wounds.

"HE DESERVED IT! HOW ELSE DID HE GET MY FAMILY'S HOME IF NOT THROUGH THOSE MONSTERS?" Nagato yelled finally finding his voice behind his fear of the hellish creature he never saw before. "What the hell are you and why are you defending him?" He glared at the vampires waiting for answers, but instead the hound dissolved into smoke and he suddenly felt a crushing weight on him that pinned to the floor. Naruto had reappeared right on top of him and was using only one paw to hold him down. Sasori and Kisame tried to help Nagato get away from the hound, but the vampires, who were significantly faster the last time they met, stood between them and the hound.

"You gave me your test already so you are not allowed any further questions until you bloody well answer mine. You, Nagato, and you violent band of fools seem to think you know everything there is so this should be easy to answer. What am I?" Naruto growled letting a wisp of float out of his mouth as he bared his teeth. "You got it partly correct already."

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