Hunters on Ice

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"I could, but in the long run does it matter. Besides, it might be useful to keep it quiet and see if the Akatsuki can figure it out when they try to kill me." The Aburames, the vampires and now the merpeople stared at the British student in silence ... was their healer insane or brilliant?


Iruka went into the library and found the four vampires there "I've been looking all over campus for you guys ... what are you looking at?" The merman walked closer to the vampires and saw the books on the table in front of them.

"I asked Shino what made him think Naruto wasn't human and he said that it was the strange appearance of scorch marks around him. So we decided to see what we could find here." said Hiruzen as he adjusted the ring on his finger to make sure it was still there. He has been getting so used to having it off lately that he nearly forgot it a couple times, but he knew Naruto had a solution.

"Really? Have you found anything?" Iruka asked curiously.

Minato nodded, "Hiruzen has already been through this library once before looking for clues to what those 'black dog' rumors were not long ago. We all thought it was a werewolf playing a prank remember?" Iruka rolled his eyes as he remembered the fuss that caused.

"Naruto told me it wasn't a prank so I looked into it ... I think I know what it is." Hiruzen handed the open book in his hands to the merman. "This is the one creature that fits the rumors and the scorch marks." Iruka examined the passage and his eyes widened

"Wow ... 'Hellhounds are large ghostly hounds that have an affinity for fire and smell of burning brimstone. They tend to leave behind a burned area wherever they go. Their eyes are a deep, bright, and almost glowing red, but their fur is as black as coal. They have razor sharp teeth, super strength and speed, and are commonly associated with graveyards, the afterlife or the underworld. Hellhounds are called The Bearers of Death because seeing one is believed to lead to a person's death. Sometimes it is said to be once, but other times it requires three sightings for the curse to take effect and kill the victim.' ..." Iruka set the book down after reading the passage. "So Naruto ... is a hellhound?"

Hashirama shrugged, "Clearly the whole 'Bearer of Death' thing doesn't fit because we've all seen him many times and we're all fine. Hell, Minato has been seeing Naruto more than three times a day lately." The others snickered slightly as the blonde professor blushed lightly.

"Yes, but besides that everything else seems to fit. Just after Orochimaru attacked me I saw reddish gold fiery eyes just like what's described here and then I saw Naruto." remarked the headmaster.

"And if hellhounds are supposed to be strong it would explain how Naruto knocked out three goblins by himself." muttered Tobirama.

Iruka tilted his head curiously, "Maybe that's why he needs a contract."

"What do you mean, Iruka? What contract? For who?" asked Hashirama.

The merman blushed, he didn't mean to say that out loud. "I know it was not polite to listen in, but I overheard Naruto talking with his mother on the phone ... I couldn't hear what she was saying, but it sounded like she was worried about him transforming without fire and I think she wants him to make a contract."

"Sounds like marking territory ... I hope he does because I hate the smell after werewolves and demons go through and mark up the place." muttered Tobirama.

"I don't think he can. His exact words were 'I can't make a contract unless I'm allowed to stay' and then he mentions the Akatsuki." said Iruka.

Hiruzen frowned and tapped his chin in thought, "So he needs to be wanted here basically ... that's very different from any marking or contract I've heard of, but then I never met a hellhound as far as I know ... something wrong Minato?" asked the headmaster when he saw the math professor looking at his watch.

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