63. The King and Queen

Start from the beginning

"Oh, hello.", she says. 

There's a warmth from her that pulls at me. With a lump in my throat and a lowered head I greet back.

"Well, you want to place another big order?", she jokes and comes closer.

"Um...no...actually I wanted to talk about the flower delivery. Unfortunately you weren't available," I answer with an irritated voice and am immediately annoyed by my rude tone towards her.

"Who are the flowers for, this time? Again for your nice boyfriend? He must mean a lot to you."

"What? What do you mean?

What's she talking about? So she recognized me after all. Damn. I am blushing.

"No, Madame. I'm actually talking about the flower arrangements for the Tate Gallery," I answer dryly.

Now it seems that the penny has finally dropped that I don't intend to order a hundred roses from her again. The owner goes behind the counter and leafs through a book. With her index finger she runs over the pages and reads.

"Ah...yes...it's written here. Red cannas and gladiolas... in floor vases..." The lady looks up, nods to me and reaches for the telephone. She is probably talking to the supplier on the phone.

"Sir", she says to me after the short conversation, "the flowers will be brought to the gallery in half an hour".

I nod gratefully and want to get out of here as quickly as possible. However, she manages to stop me.

"Mr. Malik!" I turn to her.

"That's your name, isn't it?"

"What's there left to say? I thought it was all settled, Madame."

"Wait a moment," she replies in a gentle voice.

So going back to her and waiting for what she has to say.

"I didn't want to talk about the order for the gallery."

"So?" My heart begins to flutter.

What an embarrassing situation I have been sliding into. Of course she recognized me. Who forgets an idiot like me with an order of one hundred roses?

"Was he happy... your boyfriend, I mean."

Now I guess I owe her an answer after all.

"To be honest, I don't know," I admit quite meekly. "Unfortunately, he never told me.

Before I can burst into tears, the elderly lady suddenly takes me in her arms, hugs me tightly and caresses my back. It has something soothing and motherly about it. I give in and I snuggle up to her, crying quietly. Somehow I need her closeness at this very moment. Her warmth envelops me and my pain and is comforting me.

"Keep your chin up. Think positively. You are still so young. I believe that everything in life happens for a reason.", she whispers in my ear.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now