Chapter 33

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"Hi! Sorry for causing you guys trouble, some readers reached to me and suggest some stuff. I did agree that things were a little too fast, so I added a few details about Annie and Bertholt. So enjoy!"


Levi pulled into his restrain, snapping his teeth to whoever dared to approach him. Blue-gray eyes landed on the subject that killed Erwin, he let out a feral growl.

She was a blonde Alpha, her side bangs almost covering his left blue eye. She wore a blank expression as she stared at him on the table.

Levi had no problems on taking her down but her fucking boyfriend came and shot him with sleeping drugs multiple times. Making him loose his focus and got captured by the bitch.

And one thing lead to another, Levi was strapped on the metal table. The scared scientist were on the sides kept shooting tranquilizers at him, preventing him from escaping.

Levi almost had it and decided to use all his strength to break free when suddenly the metal doors opened and the raven didn't missed how the blonde bitch trembled and stepped into the shadows, fear ozzing out of her.

"S-Sir! Thank God you came!" One of the scientist said in relief.

"What do we have here?"

Levi craned his neck to see the possible bastard that either leak the experiments or decided to make his own. The raven froze when he locked into a familiar paired green eyes behind the bastard's glasses. Levi studied him further, the shape of his face, the color of his hair that was tied in a low pony tail. He looked so familiar. He felt something for the man, something telling him behind the back of his head that he shouldn't hurt the said bastard.

"What are you looking at? You're looking at me like you've seen a ghost."

Levi didn't manage to struggle when the bastard injected something on him, he was too preoccupied to even feel the needle.

A minute later, the raven arched up on the table as he felt the drugs rushed through his vains. He knew this feeling, and he hated it. They wanted him back to his usual self, a plain subject that could be control by a damn whistle.

Levi gritted his teeth with a growl. No. He couldn't let the drug win. He needed to protect Eren, he needed to protect his Alpha. The raven kept repeating those words like a mantra as he felt the drug went to his head.

"S-Sir, it's not working!"

He screamed. Not because of the pain. Not because the drug won. But idea of protecting his Alpha was too great that his body decided to take the drug and infused it in his system.

Levi saw red.


Annie watched as the raven thrusted around when he was injected. She never thought that she'll meet someone as similar to her but this one. The little raven was different.

She took a step away from the raven until her back hits the wall. When the raven screamed, she silently move to the door. She knew, no one could control this raven.

Annie ran.

"What's wrong?" Bertholt immediately rush to her when he spotted her running like her life depends on it. He heard the screams and it didn't sound good at all, it was similar to an inraged animal than one in pain.

Annie simply passed through him and went straight to the security room. "We need to evacuate everyone."

"Is it the raven?" He asked as he went to work, pushing all the alarm bottons to inform the evacuation while Annie sat down on one of the monitors, keeping an eye on the said raven on the examination room where the said raven was currently screeching in anger.

"I knew that one is different." Annie said under her breath.

"Everyone is going out except for Grisha and some other, should I call them?"

Annie clenched her fist. She doesn't understand why she even followed Grisha's word like a dog but looking back at Bertholt, she recalled why. The damn bastard used her mate to control her. Bert was just a mare guard on the facility and she was nothing but a mindless fighting machine that could be control by a whistle. All Grisha's life work went down the drain when she came to sense with the presence of her mate. Then the bastard used that for his advantage.

Glaring at the said doctor on the monitor, Annie found her voice. "No, let's leave him here. Hope that monster kills him."

Bertholt nodded, understanding perfectly his mate's intention. "Everyone's out. I've asked the other guards to close down the gates. I'll ready the chopper for us."

"Go, I'll keep an eye on them."

Annie focused on the screen. The raven's thrusting became violent, kicking and clawing anyone who dared to sedate him. The other scientist were terrified, she could see how they tremble on their spot. Grisha, on the other was stupidity calm as ever.

"Come on, kill the bastard." Annie cursed.

Then the shackles finally snapped.

"Yes!" Annie cheered as she pushed button to close the door.

The raven jumped out the table, claws extended reaching for the nearest person. He caught Grisha's assistant, sharp claws digging on the flesh of his neck before the raven easily ripped his head off, blood pooled on the white tiled floor.

The rest of the scientist were crying and punching the door open. Annie didn't even blinked. Sacrifices were needed to be done.

It only took a minute for the raven to ripped all the heads of the scientist. Grisha remained on the corner with a gun on his hands. Aiming on the blood stained monster on the room, ready to shoot.


The raven just stood there. Staring at the bastard.

"Why are you not killing him?!" Annie shouted on the monitor. And that was her biggest mistake.

The raven slowly crane his neck and stared at the camera. His blue eyes glowed as it zoned on Annie. She felt her entire body froze at the simple stare, then the monitor blurred, after a second later, the monitor only shows a very terrified Grisha alone on the blood stained room.

Looking over at the other monitor, she discovered the raven. Calmly walking down the halls. "H-How?!" She screamed.

"Annie! The chopper is ready!" Bertholt came in running.

"Go! Go! Go!" Annie literally pushed herself out of the room.

She couldn't risk it, the raven was after her head, even if she closed all the doors on the underground facility she knew that it won't work on the said raven.

"W-What?" Bertholt managed to take a glance on the monitors, he felt bile raise on his throat when he saw a room full of decapitated corpses. Then his eyes landed on the other monitor, where the monster seems to be looking at them.

"RUN!" Annie shouted.

They both ran to the roof top where their friend, Riener had the chopper running.

Once they were on the air, Annie managed to calm herself. She turned to her mate. "Let's head to Maria."

"What?! We have to report this to the higher ups-"

"The higher ups had no power over that monster!"

"Why Maria?" Riener questioned.

"Grisha worked in Maria before he fucked it. I think that one was his shit. The raven didn't even touch him." Annie sighed. "Hurry!" She demanded.

Riener nodded and zoomed the air.


edited 02/02/21

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